DO-160 Categories - Aircraft engineering | Eng-Tips
2010年7月21日 · I am well versed in DO-160 and participated in the Section 16 (Power Input) working group. There are 3 Categories for DC equipment, A, B and Z. The Catagory of test is chosen depending on the aircarft power configuration. Category Z is for situations where the device being testing has little or no emergency battery power available to it.
RTCA Do-160 Section 16 Power Input - DC Ripple Testing 1 - Eng …
2013年10月21日 · Hello Everyone, I am looking for someone familiar with RTCA Do-160, specifically the DC Ripple test of section 16. The test seems identical to the Audio Frequency testing. In fact the DC ripple voltage points to that audio frequency as having all the test parameters. What is the difference in...
DO-160G Vibration Test for Electric Drives and Gearboxes
2020年1月10日 · DO-160 can be a means to meet the standard (as NG2020 correctly said) but now the self-selected standard might not need testing at all. The standard self-selected for any "new" FAR 23 type design is proprietary to the designer, not a public document.
Standard/Recommended Practice for Discrete I/O in Aircraft …
2005年6月4日 · Every avionics product which I've designed always seems to have a few 28V logic interfaces and a new unique circuit had to be designed for each new system. What you were given was the 28V/open or /ground charachteristics and the DO-160 or D6-16050 (or whatever) noise and susceptibility levels, then you had to design an interface which satisfied ...
RTCA DO-160 - Aircraft engineering - Eng-Tips
2020年11月16日 · Also the DO-160 helps me to answer CS 27/29 §1316, saying that my equipment is properly qualified DO-160 section 22 XXXXX for Aircraft Electrical and Electronic System Lightning Protection. But the probleme is that i do not have enough background on the DO-160 to have a critical approach.
DO-160 Helicopter Vibration Query - Eng-Tips
2014年4月13日 · However, this is a Qualification test and not a development test, so I am trying to understand what the specific requirements of DO-160 are. My belif is that the 'worst-case'(ie.highest Q-factor) resonance in each sinusoidal excitation band should be chosen. The procedure states 'maximum of 4' which implies 1 resonance per band. Regards, Peter
RTCA DO-160 <-> MIL-STD-810 Xref - Spacecraft engineering
2007年5月27日 · Does anyone have a cross reference between RTCA DO-160 and MIL-STD-810? I have a spec written for DO-160D and I need to change it to MIL-STD-810F methods for Environmental Qualification. I have a conversion doc for DO-160D to MIL-STD-461.
DO-160 static loading vs impact loading - Spacecraft engineering
2005年5月5日 · DO160 section 7 not only contains the procedure for "shock/crash safety" test, which involve dynamic response from the structure, but also for "sustained" test, i.e. those for which the inertial load is applied as a "static" condition.
DO-160 to MIL-STD cross reference? - Spacecraft engineering
2012年4月18日 · thread31-257332 THere must be a cross reference somewhere. Does anyone have one? RTCA-DO-160 test methods compared to MIL-STD-810F, MIL-STD-461 and MIL-STD-704 Thanks
Do-160 Specifications - Spacecraft engineering - Eng-Tips
2003年6月12日 · RE: Do-160 Specifications MarkMcMorrow (Military) 29 Sep 03 15:06 With regard to D0-160, how does the shock requirement of Sec 7.2.2 and 7.3.2 (6G, 11msec, CRASH 15G, 11msec) stack up against method 516 from Mil-810?