DO-160 Categories - Aircraft engineering | Eng-Tips
2010年7月21日 · I am well versed in DO-160 and participated in the Section 16 (Power Input) working group. There are 3 Categories for DC equipment, A, B and Z. The Catagory of test is …
RTCA Do-160 Section 16 Power Input - DC Ripple Testing 1 - Eng …
2013年10月21日 · Hello Everyone, I am looking for someone familiar with RTCA Do-160, specifically the DC Ripple test of section 16. The test seems identical to the Audio Frequency …
DO-160G Vibration Test for Electric Drives and Gearboxes
2020年1月10日 · DO-160 can be a means to meet the standard (as NG2020 correctly said) but now the self-selected standard might not need testing at all. The standard self-selected for any …
Standard/Recommended Practice for Discrete I/O in Aircraft …
2005年6月4日 · Every avionics product which I've designed always seems to have a few 28V logic interfaces and a new unique circuit had to be designed for each new system. What you …
RTCA DO-160 - Aircraft engineering - Eng-Tips
2020年11月16日 · Also the DO-160 helps me to answer CS 27/29 §1316, saying that my equipment is properly qualified DO-160 section 22 XXXXX for Aircraft Electrical and Electronic …
DO-160 Helicopter Vibration Query - Eng-Tips
2014年4月13日 · However, this is a Qualification test and not a development test, so I am trying to understand what the specific requirements of DO-160 are. My belif is that the 'worst …
RTCA DO-160 <-> MIL-STD-810 Xref - Spacecraft engineering
2007年5月27日 · Does anyone have a cross reference between RTCA DO-160 and MIL-STD-810? I have a spec written for DO-160D and I need to change it to MIL-STD-810F methods for …
DO-160 static loading vs impact loading - Spacecraft engineering
2005年5月5日 · DO160 section 7 not only contains the procedure for "shock/crash safety" test, which involve dynamic response from the structure, but also for "sustained" test, i.e. those for …
DO-160 to MIL-STD cross reference? - Spacecraft engineering
2012年4月18日 · thread31-257332 THere must be a cross reference somewhere. Does anyone have one? RTCA-DO-160 test methods compared to MIL-STD-810F, MIL-STD-461 and MIL …
Do-160 Specifications - Spacecraft engineering - Eng-Tips
2003年6月12日 · RE: Do-160 Specifications MarkMcMorrow (Military) 29 Sep 03 15:06 With regard to D0-160, how does the shock requirement of Sec 7.2.2 and 7.3.2 (6G, 11msec, …