Degtyaryov machine gun - Wikipedia
The Degtyaryov machine gun (Russian: Пулемёт Дегтярёва Пехотный, romanized: Pulemyot Degtyaryova Pekhotny literally: "Degtyaryov's infantry machine gun") or DP-27/DP-28 is a light machine gun firing the 7.62×54mmR cartridge that was primarily used by the Soviet Union, with service trials starting in 1927, followed by ...
DP輕機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
DP輕機槍 (俄语: Пулемёт Дегтярёвa Пехотный Pulemyot Degtyaryova Pekhotny,意为 捷格加廖夫步兵机枪),是一款由 蘇聯人 瓦西里·捷格加廖夫 於1927年研製成功,1928年裝備 蘇聯紅軍 的 輕機槍。 其官方縮稱為 DP (ДП)或 DP-27 (ДП-27),但經常被非俄語國家的大眾稱為 DP-28。 DP輕機槍結構非常簡單,零件多為切削加工。 採用導氣式,其閉鎖方式被稱為魚鰓式,特點是用兩個左右设置的闭锁擋片,當撞針向前時强迫擋片向外伸出卡在 機匣 内侧的闭锁 …
A Soviet Workhorse: The DP-28 Machine Gun - Guns and Ammo
2016年3月7日 · The rugged family of the Degtyarev DP-28 light machine guns was a mainstay in Russian and other forces from the 1920s and beyond World War II. The old saying "beauty is as beauty does" is particularly apt for the Soviet DP-28 machine gun and its progeny.
Meet the DP-28: The Red Army’s “Record Player” (Or Killer …
2020年6月29日 · With its top-mounted pan magazine the Pulemyot Degtyaryova Pekhotny (Degtyaryov’s infantry machine gun)—better known as the DP-28—looked archaic but it proved to be a very efficient design. The...
捷格加廖夫DP28轻机枪 - 火器百科
捷格加廖夫DP28轻机枪是苏联设计师瓦西里·A·捷格加廖夫(1880.1.2—1949.1.16)于1921年设计的一款轻机枪,1926年定型,1928年装备苏联军队,并于1944年改进为DPM轻机枪。 捷格加廖夫DP28轻机枪是1920年代,苏联军方为了弥补轻机枪的空缺(当时只有2450挺马克沁-托卡列夫轻机枪)而研发的产品,是一挺很有特色的轻机枪。 DP轻机枪结构非常简单,零件多为切削加工。 采用气动式,其闭锁方式被称为鱼鳃式,特点是用两个左右设置的闭锁挡片,当击针向前时强迫 …
All the Masses Deserve a DP-28! - Guns.com
2021年7月7日 · Their complete DPM semi-automatic rifle is built using a surplus Polish kit with a new receiver, a new chrome-lined barrel, and their own fire-control group.
Degtyaryov’s DP-28/DPM - Historical Firearms
DPM (source) The DP-28 spawned a series of variants including the DPM, the aircraft mounted DA and the armoured vehicle mounted DT and DTM. In 1946, the DP was again adapted to feed from a metallic belt as the RP-46.
Degtyarev DP LMG (DP28) Light Machine Gun - Military Factory
2022年6月2日 · The DP Light Machine Gun (DP LMG), sometimes known as the DP-27 or DP-28 and nicknamed the "Record Player" due to its unique "pan" or "film reel" magazine, was the standard light machine gun system issued to Soviet infantry squads in …
Degtyaryov machine gun - Wikiwand
The Degtyaryov machine gun (Russian: Пулемёт Дегтярёва Пехотный, romanized: Pulemyot Degtyaryova Pekhotny literally: "Degtyaryov's infantry machine gun") or DP-27/DP-28 is a light machine gun firing the 7.62×54mmR cartridge that was primarily used by the Soviet Union, with service trials starting in 1927, followed by general deployment in 1928.
DP28 vs DPM Features - Forgotten Weapons
2011年4月27日 · The DPM changed that to a much more comfortable and controllable pistol grip. In the process, the grip safety was dropped and replaced with a safe/fire selector lever above the trigger. For someone contemplating a semiauto reproduction, these are the most significant differences between the designs.