DPM (Digital panel meters) - Secure
The range of digital panel meters (DPMs) is used for reliable and accurate measurement of both AC parameters (voltage, current, frequency, power, power factor and energy) and DC parameters (voltage and current).
DPM380-Digital Power Meter - Mikro MSC Bhd
>> Back To Digital Power Meter. DPM380. DIGITAL POWER METER. Phase Voltage (L-N) & Line Voltage (L-L) Min & Max Phase and Line Voltage; ... DPM 380-415AD: Auxiliary Voltage 90 ~ 415 V AC or 100 ~ 300 V DC, with RS 485. The Company. Mikro MSC Berhad Corporate Structure Board Of Directors
ASCO 5210 Digital Power Meter | Schneider Electric USA
The ASCO 5210 Digital Power Meter (DPM) provides real-time data that enables a greater understanding of load and power source activity.
Products - Power Meter - Delta
Delta’s Standard Multifunction Power Meter DPM-C520 is designed as a 3-phase high-precision smart power meter that fulfills the demand for monitoring the electricity data of multi-factories, and is suitable for installation on electric panels.
The DPM series is a range of digital panel meters for reliable and accurate measurement of both AC parameters (voltage, current, frequency, power, power factor and energy) and DC parameters
Products - Power Meter - Delta
Delta’s basic Panel Mount Type Power Meter power meter DPM-C510 is capable of various electrical measurements and communication. The DPM-C510 is an excellent entry level solution for basic application. Supports Modbus RTU protocol. Easy to apply with SCADA and EMS.
Digital Panel Meter Selection Guide - Laurel’s
Exceptional accuracy and high read rates with five digital DC voltmeter ranges from ±200.00 mV to ±600.0 V and four digital DC ammeter ranges from ±2.0000 mA to ±5.000 A. Ideal for use with current shunts for high DC current measurements. All …
Digital Panel Meter - Vikorsensor
Digital Panel Meter Model: VK-DPM-9648-0-0, VK-DPM-9648-1-0, VK-DPM-9648-0-1, VK-DPM-9648-1-1 Digital display instrument cooperates with various analog output sensors and transmitters to complete the measurement, transformation, display and control of physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, flow, liquid level, composition, etc.
DPM 400 | 3½ Digit LCD 200mV Voltmeter | Digital Panel Meter
In search of a reliable, versatile panel voltmeter? Explore the DPM 400, perfect for new designs with its clear LCD display and easy installation options.
Measuring Power with a Digital Panel Meter (DPM)
2014年5月19日 · Digital Panel Meters (DPMs) are voltage measuring devices which can be used to measure current using a shunt resistor or hall effect current sensor. When a display of Power (watts) is required, the voltage and current values must be multiplied to produce a voltage that is proportional to the product of these two quantities.