DPSS Lasers, Inc.
DPSS Lasers Inc. is a leading manufacturer of high power, 355 nm UltraViolet (UV), solid state lasers. Superior reliability, unparalleled performance and world-class customer care are key elements in our continued success. DPSS offers low-cost lasers and system solutions to a wide variety of industrial, scientific and research applications.
AVIA LX - 纳秒 DPSS 调 Q 紫外光激光器 | 相干公司
matrix 355 激光器是全风冷固态调 q 纳秒激光器,适用于打标、先进封装、太阳能、汽车和其他要求严苛的应用。 了解更多信息
355nm DPSS Lasers | RPMC Lasers Inc - Solid State Lasers and Laser ...
The Aero Series is a high-energy, nanosecond pulsed DPSS laser, available at 266, 355, 532, and 1064nm, with up to 10W output power at 1064 (up to 200 mJ with water-cooling). This series provides unparalleled precision and accuracy in even the most challenging environments, ideal for LIBS, spectroscopy, and atmospheric LIDAR applications.
355nm Laser – BeamQ Laser
Passively Q-switched 355 nm DPSS Lasers are ideal for applications requiring a short wavelength or high photon energy. These lasers are commonly used for fluorescence excitation, Raman spectroscopy, material processing, and a broad range of other applications.
High Power UV Laser, DPSS Laser - SEAL 355 20S | JPT Laser
Seal-355-20S UV DPSSL adopts an integrated structure design. Combining the optical unit with external driving circuit, which makes that the product has a strong anti-interference capability. The optical unit and circuit are fully sealed. It is fully capable of working in high temperature and humidity environment.
Arktis Laser | Scientific Lasers | Arktis Laser - Laserglow
Our 355 nm Diode-Pumped Solid-State (DPSS) AOM Q-Switched Lasers are ideal for applications requiring the highest available peak power and/or single pulse energy at 355 nm. The embedded AOM gives the user direct control over the output pulses, enabling a specified frequency or even a single pulse to be emitted.
Air Cooling UV Laser, DPSS Laser - LARK 355-3A | JPT Laser
Lark-355 is the ultraviolet product of lark series at present. It adopts the heat management mode of conduction heat dissipation combined with air convection heat dissipation. Compared with Seal-355-3S, the water circulation cooling system is omitted, and customers can choose multiple lasers of the same level according to the actual situation.
Single Frequency CW DPSS 355 nm Laser BRaMMS-Duetto-355
Based on a highly reliable frequency doubled laser diode the Duetto-355 lasers have genuine single frequency and wavelength stability. The lasers emit an optical beam in single-spatial-mode (M² <1.1), and allow a minimum focusing and uniform illumination of the sample.
Series 3500 UV Laser System — DPSS Lasers, Inc.
The Series 3500 DPSS laser (US Patent #6,002,695) is the most efficient, high power, quasi-CW DPSS UV laser commercially available. Using only a single 20W diode bar, the Series 3500 has demonstrated powers in excess of 3.0 Watts at 355 nm.
SOL | 355-1064nm compact industrial ns pulse DPSS laser | RPMC
The most compact q-switched DPSS laser up to 40 W @ 1064 nm, easily integrated with compact & efficient air cooling. Rugged, lightweight single unit design: Ensures durability and reliability in industrial and scientific applications, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.