Review Of The BR8 and DR1 : r/gtaonline - Reddit
2020年8月11日 · statistically it has the least traction according to legendary and from what the garage shows. when actually driving it however, it feels more responsive and doesnt feel as understeery as the other cars, thus why I feel it handles better than the other 3. to me, it is better in low speed corners but the lack of downforce vs the BR8 definitely hurts it in mid and high speed corners. handling a ...
Declasse DR1 Appreciation Thread - Vehicles - GTAForums
2020年8月11日 · A new Declasse Open Wheeler based on the Dallara DW12 Indy Car. Price: 2,997,000 Description: Take a good look at the DR1 and close your eyes.
Declasse DR1 Appreciation Thread - Page 2 - GTAForums
2020年8月11日 · Confirmed: DR1 is the car you want to use if you want the absolute highest top speed in the class: Keep in mind that you need to use a minimum downforce setup which SERIOUSLY affects the handling of this car and really only make this car viable on races that don't have many sharp corners.
If you are a competitive racer - AVOID DR1 : r/gtaonline - Reddit
2020年8月11日 · The DR1 requires a very specific setup for optimal handling. The most important thing, the DR1 needs to have the Quad Fin spoiler for front and STOCK spoiler in the rear. This fixes the understeer and makes it handle way better. It still won't be as easy to drive as a PR4 but it certainly can be competitive.
I’m about to purchase the DR1 : r/gtaonline - Reddit
2021年5月5日 · In my opinion, the DR1 is not competitive. I have some friends that are evenly matched and it wouldn't even be fun in the DR1 against them. If you've never done open wheel I would start doing them before you buy and just test out the 4 different cars for yourself. No need to have a custom car for the races.
Any difference with the 4 F1 cars? : r/gtaonline - Reddit
2023年3月9日 · BR8 is the best overall. PR4 has the best handling with max downforce but worst top speed. R88 is the worst overall. DR1 has worse acceleration than others but the best top speed with low downforce wings.
Benefactor BR8 Appreciation Thread - Vehicles - GTAForums
2020年8月11日 · The Declasse DR1 may have the highest top speed out of all the Open Wheel cars now because it can have a combined downforce of 0.5 + 0.6 = 1.1. Compared to the R88 for example, which used to be the lowest with 0.5 + 1.0 = 1.5.
GTA V Declasse DR1 : r/GTA - Reddit
2020年9月25日 · r/GTA • Rockstar would had dominated the psp market with San Andreas stories even if the psp has limitations I would like to see each parts for this game like Los Santos stories, San Ferrior stories and Las Vegas stories with each having different radio stations and storyline
Weekly Event (2nd May 2024) - Take to the Track with Open
2024年5月1日 · The DR1 would be last choice out of all of them. The way you customize the vehicle has an impact on the overall downforce (let's just call that "high speed turning ability") the vehicle has. It would take far too long for someone to test out all the different combinations of parts to gather lap times and top speeds.
24/9/2020 Weekly GTA Online Bonuses : r/gtaonline - Reddit
2020年9月24日 · Podium Vehicle: Declasse DR1 Double GTA$ and RP Activities: Bunker Stock Survivals MOC Missions Discounted Content: Bunkers MOC MOC Renovations Stromberg, $1,676,500 Rocket Voltic, $1,728,000/$2,298,240 Same Sports Classics discounts that we’ve been seeing for the past century Swinger, $454,500 190z, $450,000