DRB Class 52 - Wikipedia
The Class 52 was a simplified version of the prewar Reichsbahn class 50 locomotive (produced 1938–1942). The simplified design of the class 52 was intended to reduce the man-hours and skills needed to manufacture it and to adapt to wartime shortages of strategic materials.
MS-DRG 052 SPINAL DISORDERS AND INJURIES WITH CC/MCC MDC: 01 — Diseases & Disorders of the Nervous System
DR Class 52.80 - Wikipedia
The Rekolokomotives of DR Class 52.80 first appeared in 1960 in service with the Deutsche Reichsbahn in East Germany as extensive rebuilds of the wartime locomotives or Kriegslokomotiven of the DRB Class 52 built by Nazi Germany.
3 天之前 · 052 SPINAL DISORDERS AND INJURIES WITH CC/MCC... Note: DRG information, including Relative Weight, Length of Stay, Procedure Type, and more, is also available. Subscribers may add their own notes as well as "Admin Notes" visible to all subscribers in their account. Subscribers will see related documentation, coding and billing tips.
DRB Class 52 | Locomotive Wiki | Fandom
The Deutsche Reichsbahn's Class 52 is a German steam locomotive built in large numbers during the Second World War. It was the most produced type of the so-called Kriegslokomotiven or Kriegsloks (war locomotives). The Class 52 was a wartime development of the pre-war DRG Class 50, using fewer...
About: DRB Class 52 - DBpedia Association
The Deutsche Reichsbahn's Class 52 is a German steam locomotive built in large numbers during the Second World War. It was the most produced type of the so-called Kriegslokomotiven or Kriegsloks (war locomotives). The Class 52 was a wartime development of the pre-war DRG Class 50, using fewer parts and less expensive materials to speed production.
医保DRG,一分钟读懂 - 知乎
DRG的全称是Diagnosis Related Groups,疾病诊断相关分组. DIP 全称为Big Data Diagnosis-Intervention Packet,按病种分值付费. DRG/DIP付费,是医院和医保以及患者之间的重大改革。 之前,我们去医院都是按项目付费,比如看个病,医院记得清清楚楚,一针一药都算得明明白白。 但DRG/DIP付费登场后,患者就得分小组了,遵循「同病同治,同治同价,结余留用」的原则来进行付费结算。 这就好比,以前你去饭店吃饭,点了个土豆丝,老板给你算账的时候,总金额= …
率以及进行医保支付的一个重要工具。DRG实质上是一种病例组合分类方案,即根据年龄、疾病诊断、合并症、并发症、治疗方式、病症严重程度及转归和资源消耗等因素,�. 患者分入若干诊断组进行管理的体系。 疾病诊断相关组- 预付费(DRG-PPS)是对各疾病诊断相关组制. 定支付标准,预付医疗费用的付费方式。在DRG付费方式下,依诊断的不同、治疗手段的不同和病人特征的不同,�. 个病例会对应进入不同的诊断相关组。在此基础上,保险机构不再是按照病人在院的实际费用(即 …
Pictures of DRG 52 - rrpicturearchives.net
Home > DRG > Locomotives > Baldwin Locomotive Works 2-8-0 > DRG 52Pictures of DRG 52, Model: 2-8-0
DRB Class 52 - The war loco of the Deutsche Reichsbahn
For steam locomotive DRB CLass 52, fuel consumption and service life are less important. These locomotives are designed for a service life of six to ten years. The DRB Class 52 is a so-called …