DSS III - information - Bulletin Board - Developer Forum | Roblox
2017年12月22日 · CREDITS: Cranebarge (Vanguard-class submarine, Alabama-class container ship, Shrimp trawler, Tamar-class lifeboat, European-class ferry, LCVP Mk2, Motorboat, Trafalgar-class submarine + many more ships and things) supermax333 (lobby, lighthouse in Wolin + some other buildings) JonathanDahlq (game thumbnails and icons, as well as the icons in the interaction GUI) Yunno (Eithne-class OPV ...
My ships become very unstable with the PGS physics solver
2017年12月28日 · Recently I wanted to enable the PGS solver in my ship simulator game, however it causes a serious problem with my ships which happens when they collide with moving characters. I’ve been trying to fix it myself, but without success so far. This is what I know about the issue: players are able to “kick” ships away humanoids with higher WalkSpeed affect the ship movement more the problem ...
Unable to join my own game - Engine Bugs - Roblox
2018年2月21日 · I’m wondering if it only happens to me, or globally, also, I don’t know if there is anything I could do to prevent this. Being unable to join my own test place is really a hard obstacle, which stops me from developing effectively. Thanks for help! Here’s the place: DSS III - test server - Roblox Edit: please try to enter the game above, and tell if it worked. Edit 2: I moved this to ...
Mass Uncopylocked | 35 free games and projects - Roblox
2024年3月18日 · Need support? Read this: Mass Uncopylocked | 35 free games and projects - #74 by GamerOkami I have been making experiences on the roblox platform resulting in millions of visits and robux over the course of a decade. As my time is coming to an end I wish for everyone to make their own fun with my creations and perhaps learn a thing or two while exploring my old code. Starting today my most ...
How would I delete all data from DataStores - Roblox
2023年1月6日 · pfr.DSS = game:GetService("DataStoreService") pfr.Str = pfr.DSS:GetDataStore("A-") -- How Would I Delete All Data from this? Not remove the DataStore, but Delete all inside it And Also, how would I get a List of DataStores created?
How to make a Global Leaderboard - Roblox
2022年7月6日 · Hey guys! Today I will be teaching you how to make a Global Leaderboard like you see in all those simulator games. (Thats what it’ll look like!) <details><summary>Making the currency</summary>The first thing we need is a currency (or stat) to display on the leaderboard. For this tutorial I will be making a coins leaderstats and a system that adds 50 coins every 5 seconds to the player. To ...
Datastore Version Backup: How to Restore Player Data
2021年7月6日 · Datastore Version Backups *** THIS IS NOT DATALOSS RECOVERY, but it may help revert ALL players to older data versions easily that are saved and not ‘corrupt’ Sometimes when working on a game, you’ve been working late into the night, and release an update for your popular game and then go to bed. You wake up, and all the players have infinite cash because you updated the game, and forgot ...
How do I transfer data from one place in my game to another …
2023年7月31日 · Basically I want to keep my data when I teleport to each place in my game! For example: Place 1 (Lobby) I have 50 coins, 1 gun, 1 custom character, Daily rewards (if collected on one of the places it will show same on all places) and other items store with the character. Place 2 (Story game) I have the exact same things from the first place. And so on for any additional place.
Lots of free & open-sourced games! - Roblox
2023年4月22日 · Open-Sourced Projects Since 2014 I have been developing on the Roblox platform. With such a long time between now and then, there are many outdated and unfinished projects I made over time. You can access many of these, as well as some random demos, using the links below. V2 Repository This is the new GitHub repository created April 22nd, 2023. All future open-source projects will be posted ...
How to save multiple values in one data store - Roblox
2024年11月2日 · Hello Everybody, I have a data store that saves the amount of Coins players, but I need it too save, gems too server script local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local myDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("myDataStore") game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder") …