Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro Review (headphone)
2016年2月13日 · While the DT 990 Pro is a comfortable headphone to wear, it has a seriously flawed design with poor frequency response which exaggerates the heck out of highs and dumps a bunch of distortion in there for good measure. It also lacks deep bass reproduction. Careful equalization did manage to salvage it at the end but took a lot of doing.
DT 990 PRO VS HD600 | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2024年2月9日 · I read the forum and realized that the DT 990 is not liked enough here)). The fact is that I like a more “Brighter sound”, and as I understand it, the DT 990 PRO may sound exactly it, in contrast to the HD 600. But looks like 990`s have …
Evo 4, DT 990 PRO 250 ohm - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2020年5月25日 · On my Atom with E30 input (about 2.1Vrms) and a DT 990 250 Ohms with worn out pads (might be a little quieter with decent pads) listening to Dire Straits - Lady Writer the pot positions: 10:00 - decently loud level, about the max I`d use for normal listening
beyerdynamic dt 990 pro | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2022年2月11日 · Hi Everyone, I have ordered my Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro (250 ohm) and I had almost made my mind to purchase ifi Audio Zen DAC V2 to drive the headphones. But, a seller said that ifi Zen DAC V2 wont deliver sufficient power to drive my DT990's.
DAC/Amp for DT990 pro - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2019年2月22日 · My choice of dac/amp for dt990 pro is a Mayflower Objective-2. I had to set the correct settings in windows to work normally. the bitrate/frequency output up to 24/96 and everything will be OK. The sound is much nicer than the standard one. There are still other options for dac/amp for dt990 in the review
hifiman he400se vs beyerdynamic DT 990 pro, which to choose?
the Beyerdinamic Dt 990 pro 250ohm or the Hifiman he400se? I am looking for good sound quality in music in .flac format for 24 bits 44100hz or 96000hz And I'm also looking for an immersive soundstage for my movies and video games with Dolby Atmos. I have the Fiio k5 pro dac/amp and I know it can give enough volume power for both headphones.
DT 900 PRO X Review - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2022年8月13日 · The sound of the DT 900 PRO X is almost flat but slightly bright. Compared to the high-frequency gain of the old Beyerdynamic, it has been very well controlled. View attachment 254920 View attachment 254910 Distortion. At a normal sound pressure level of 86 dB for listening to music, the DT 900 PRO X maintains a very low level of distortion.
beyerdynamic dt-990 versus dt-1990 (re: I've purchased both, …
2020年12月30日 · Compared to the DT-1990, the DT-990 sounds a bit muffled or "compressed". I don't know what mid-tones sound like or if the treble is the difference I'm hearing, but when I use the DT-990 it sounds closer to my closed-back headphones.
DT 990 pros Vs TYGR 300rs Vs HD 599 Vs DT 880 Editions
2022年4月18日 · DT 990 Pro DT 880 Edition TYGR 300r DT 1990 pros I might take a look at getting the 560s again but honestly, I prefer the sound of vanilla 990s out of the box than 560s and from what I remember the clamp force was actually pretty damn tight.
Beyerdynamic DT900 PRO X EQ (the best) - Audio Science Review …
2022年7月21日 · Automatic headphone equalization from frequency responses - AutoEq/Beyerdynamic DT 900 Pro X ParametricEQ.txt at master · jaakkopasanen/AutoEq github.com Click to expand...