Removing DTG Ink from Shirt - T-Shirt Forums
2008年6月22日 · But even a bleach pen hasnt worked on getting ink out that hasnt been heat set. You have to be careful, the toothbrush, or even the rubbing together because you are creating alot of friction in that spot, and you will likely get a wear spot, or fuzzballs.
My Firebird DTG Ink Review and Experiences - T-Shirt Forums
2014年5月16日 · And filling up the Freejet 330TX's ink lines with Firebird's new Holy-grail type goodness gave me chills... Having said that, here is our personal experience with the results we've received with Firebird Ink's White Ink. Experience level: I have been dabbling in the DTG world almost 3 years. I didnt get serious until about 1.5 years ago.
Removing DTG ink on shirt before pressing - T-Shirt Forums
2008年1月25日 · Was wondering if anyone has had any experience with removing fresh ink off a shirt before pressing. What I mean is when i took it off the platen the sleeve landed on my print putting ink on the sleeve. I was told and can't remember how, but was told to remove before pressing. I tried some windex...
Ink limits on dtg rips. - T-Shirt Forums
2013年7月24日 · So I was hoping some people with experience could explain ink limits a little bit. I know on ekrip you can have drop size and number of passes. On acrorip you have percentage limits. I was wondering what you should start with and is it bad to run higher limits? I don't wanna damage the head so I...
Possible fix for an ink clogged DTG head for desperate people
2018年6月6日 · No white ink showed up at all after a few nozzles checks. Numerous head cleanings did nothing at all. With no warranty at all on the printer it was looking like it was pretty ready to be put out to pasture. Fred's fix was to put the DTG in a mode where the head would be moved out of it's docked position where the head was exposed and accessible.
New Image Armor DTG ink - T-Shirt Forums
2015年4月29日 · For the last couple of weeks I have been testing the new CMYK and White inks that Image Armor is releasing for Epson based DTG printers. So far this stuff is awesome. Cure time is down to 35 seconds for white ink prints! At their recommended heat press temp of 356 degrees I am getting a full cure in 35 seconds. The inks are laying down a lot of white, to a point where I am having to cut my ...
DTG Inks - T-Shirt Forums
2025年2月19日 · Discuss the various inks available for direct to garment printers. Wash tests, pictures and comparisons are all welcome.
anyone tried garment ink in regular inkjet printer
2010年1月8日 · just curious if anyone has tried refilling their inkjet cartridges with garment ink and printing. I print on canvas as well and was curious how the garment ink would react. I am currently using a HP Deskjet 9800 with two cartridges HP 95 and HP 96 modified to refill. Just curious here.
1390 DTG ink warning light problem - T-Shirt Forums
2013年6月29日 · I have replaced the print head, cartridge board, main board and power supply and the head now moves into its home position but once home the ink warning light comes on and no amount of resetting the chips turns the red light off.
White ink underbase bleeding through color | T-Shirt Forums
2010年6月11日 · Hello: We have a DTG HM1. We have an on-going problem with white ink bleeding through our red ink. This is most apparent on dark shirts where our red appears faded or pinkish in color. We also have white blotches coming through from the underbase. This is especially apparent when we use...