What is DTS Virtual:X? - Crutchfield
DTS Virtual:X is a post-processing technology designed to make your sound feel 3D without actually needing up-firing drivers or ceiling speakers. It's "virtual" because it's simulating surround sound with overhead effects through psychoacoustics.
DTS X vs DTS Virtual X. (Difference & Which One Is Better?)
The same to virtual Atmos, the Dts company has introduced DTS Virtual X. But what is the difference between DTS:X and DTS Virtual X? At A Glance: As a general rule of thumb, the basic difference between them is that you need more than a 2.1 speakers layout for DTS:X and the DTS virtual X can be delivered with and below the 2.1 speakers layout.
What Is DTS Virtual:X? - Lifewire
2023年5月11日 · DTS Virtual:X is an audio codec designed to provide sound a sense of multi-dimensional space or of sound moving around you within an environment. Used in both cinemas and home theater systems, DTS Virtual:X may sound complicated, but it can be understood as making a few speakers sound like a lot of speakers.
Virtual surround sound transforms how customers watch, listen and play. With DTS Virtual:X enabled sound bars, TV speakers or AV receivers, your customers can enjoy an immersive home theater audio experience with as few as two speakers. No multi-speaker setup? That’s no problem with DTS Virtual:X.
Sound That Breaks Free: How DTS Virtual:X Unlocks Cinematic …
2024年3月12日 · What is DTS Virtual:X Technology? DTS Virtual:X is an audio processing technology that creates virtual surround sound using just two speakers. It was developed by DTS, which has a long history of creating its high-quality audio technologies used in cinemas, home theaters, and even mobile devices.
一文带你了解DTS:X 和杜比全景声到底有什么区别!_投影网
2018年7月4日 · DTS Virtual:X 和 DTS:X 不一样,它并没有直接在蓝光光盘中编码,而是后期处理技术,所以能够在 Soundbar 或标准 5.1 声道系统中发挥作用。 不过支持 DTS Virtual:X 的产品现在还没有发售,第一款支持它的产品是 300 美元的 Soundbar 雅马哈 YAS-207,即将于今年 7 …
杜比全景声和dts:x用于游戏那个更好? - 知乎
先给结论:LPCM最平淡,白开水;Atmos动态和氛围感最好,DTS:X定位最清晰。 例如《古墓丽影:崛起》、《星球大战:前线》都是原生杜比全景声。 2、LPCM、Atmos、DTS:X效果哪个好? Atmos:可以是原生音轨,也可以使用杜比MAT将天空声道的音轨叠加到LPCM上,让LPCM音轨也有天空声道。 Atmos动态范围很大,包围感极强; 实际体验:LPCM最平淡,像白开水;Atmos氛围感最好,DTS:X定位最清晰。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集 …
没有天空声道都有天空声效,DTS Virtual:X来了! - 知乎
DTS Virtual:X,运用psychoacoustic心理声学技术来还原顶置和卫星音响的音效,依据了人的生理声学和心理声学原理专门处理3D声道,制造出3D声源来自听众后方、侧面或上方的幻象感觉。
What is DTS Virtual:X [Detailed-Guide] - Soundbar Mag
2023年1月27日 · DTS Virtual:X increases the realistic audio experience without using additional speakers, building on an already existing DTS:X and DTS Neural:X surround sound formats. The Workings of DTS Virtual:X Virtual:X uses complex algorithms to analyse incoming audio signals in real-time and make the best guess where certain sounds should be put within ...
技术干货 | 虚拟3D全景声的音效大师—DTS Virtual:X详解
2017年8月24日 · DTS Virtual:X 呈现的3D虚拟全景声,运用psychoacoustic 心理声学技术来还原顶置和卫星音响的音效,依据了人的生理声学和心理声学原理专门处理3D声道,制造出3D声源来自听众后方、侧面或上方的幻象感觉。 DTS开始玩Virtual:X并不是一蹴而就,而是有一些历史积淀,如DTS出品过的Play-Fi产品,由一台Soundbar、两个后置环绕音响以及一台低音音箱组建成了一套Wi-Fi 5.1声道的音响,非常类似Sonos的音响组合,当时这一套音响就可以模拟7.1.4声道的 …