ARM Mali/Immortalis-G720 GPU - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Gen 5这一代最大的提升就是引入了延迟顶点着色 (DVS) 管线。 这彻底改变了 ARM GPU 中的 几何数据流 ,并且大大 节省了memory带宽 。 根据ARM公布的数据, 《精灵废墟》 游戏中,DVS技术使带宽节省了41%;CAD应用中可节省37%的带宽, 《原神》 节省了33%的带宽 ...
A close look at the Arm Immortalis-G720 and its 5th Gen graphics
2023年5月30日 · The key to these eye-catching numbers is, in part, down to the adoption of Deferred Vertex Shading (DVS) in the GPU core, making it the heart of Arm’s latest architecture across all three ...
Arm Immortalis-G720: Top GPU for Flagship Smartphones
Arm Immortalis-G720 features the latest technologies for graphics and machine learning (ML) performance and energy savings, including: Deferred vertex shading (DVS) Support for larger tiles of up to 64 × 64, compared to 32 × 32 in Arm Immortalis-G715; Increased blending throughput for Multisample Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) use cases
全新 Arm 全面運算解決方案實現以 Arm 技術建構的行動未來
2023年5月29日 · 延遲頂點著色技術 (Deferred Vertex Shading, DVS)是第五代 GPU 架構導入的新繪圖功能,它重新定義了 GPU 中的資料流,讓合作夥伴可以擴展 GPU 核心數量,達到更高的效能。該技術優勢已經在多款廣受歡迎的遊戲上完全展現,包括《原神》以及《要塞英雄》。
Arm GPUs built on new 5th Gen GPU architecture
2023年5月29日 · The work on the graphics pipeline to manage these more complex scenes starts with the introduction of the deferred vertex shading (DVS) pipeline. This revolutionizes the geometry dataflow in Arm GPUs. Through DVS, performance can be scaled to larger core counts, enabling Arm’s partners to reach higher performance points in the future.
Mali-G720: Advanced GPU for Visual Computing – Arm®
Mali-G720 is designed to address the premium mobile market with a range of new graphics features and upgrades, including deferred vertex shading (DVS), for better efficiency and visuals for the next generation of AAA games.
Arm最新一代CPU和GPU性能同时提升15% - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
其中,延迟顶点着色(Deferred Vertex Shading, DVS)是第五代 GPU 架构新引入的图形功能,这个功能的引入可以重新定义数据流,有助于合作伙伴扩展核心数量,达到更高的性能水平。 目前,DVS 的特性和优势已经在包括《原神》和《堡垒之夜》等许多流行游戏中得到体现。 以具体的产品看,此次新推出的GPU性能和能效最好的产品是Arm Immortalis-G720,与前代产品相比,Immortalis-G720性能和能效分别提高了15%,系统级效率更跃升了40%。 与G720同时推出 …
New Arm Total Compute Solutions Enable a Mobile Future Built on Arm
Deferred Vertex Shading (DVS) is a new graphics feature introduced in the 5th Gen GPU architecture that redefines the dataflow, which enables partners to scale for larger core counts and higher performance points. Already, we’re seeing the benefits of DVS across many popular games from Genshin Impact to Fortnite.
ARM发布三款GPU,Immortalis G720和Mail G720区别是? - 百家号
2023年5月30日 · Arm Immortalis G720是Arm迄今为止最强大的GPU。它采用了一种革命性的新技术,称为延迟顶点着色器(DVS: Deferred Vertex Shader),它减少了内存访问和带宽消耗,从而显著节省了功耗并提高了帧率。
ARM发布的Immortalis G720/Mali-G720/G620 GPU架构有哪些
Immortalis G720引入了延迟顶点着色(DVS)技术,这是第一个使用DVS的GPU,从而提高了Immortalis G720的性能和效率。 它还配备了其他高级功能,例如可变速率缩放和可变精度渲染,这些功能都可以帮助提高GPU的性能和效率。