Classic G-SHOCK DW5600E-1V Digital 5600 Series Watch - CASIO
Shock resistance and 200-meter water resistance (wr 20 bar) have become hallmarks of G-SHOCK reliability and performance. A LED backlight ensures an easy read of the digital face no matter the lighting condition, and multiple stopwatch and alarm features grant the DW5600E-1V small and thin watch daily functionality you can rely on.
DW-5600 | G-SHOCK
dw-5600 g-shock 經典原創款,方 形設計搭配復古配色以霧面錶身呈現質感, 黃色兩款皆更特別設計與原始型號相同的黑色ip錶釦, 並擁有可替換錶殼與錶帶組合dwe-5600r-9 可供選擇, 獨到風範讓你重回經典!
DW-5600E-1V | CASIO卡西欧官方网站
G-5600基本型号,黑色经典系列;流行电影《头文字D》中周杰伦的时尚选择! 黑色超经典、简单大方的设计,加上超抗震耐摔的特质,适合运动时佩带,也非常适合各类风格服饰的装扮。 * 在某些情况下,所列产品的色调可能与实际产品不同。 G-5600基本型号,黑色经典系列;流行电影《头文字D》中周杰伦的时尚选择! 黑色超经典、简单大方的设计,加上超抗震耐摔的特质,适合运动时佩带,也非常适合各类风格服饰的装扮。
Casio Men's G-Shock Quartz Watch with Resin Strap, Black, 20 …
2004年7月7日 · Buy Casio Men's G-Shock Quartz Watch with Resin Strap, Black, 20 (Model: DW5600UE) and other Wrist Watches at Amazon.com. Our wide selection is eligible for free shipping and free returns.
DW-5600UBB-1 | CASIO卡西欧官方网站
这是一款以黑色和白色为主题的“Solid Colors”系列的G-SHOCK黑色款手表。 设计上彻底追求黑色,保留了材料本身的质朴感,整体采用单一色调的黑色。 表身和表带的哑光颜色因为简约的配色而使手表的造型更加突出,赋予其强烈的视觉冲击力。 这款手表具有坚实的质感和独特的设计,可以像时尚单品一样佩戴,展现出个性化的风格。 在功能方面,腕表兼备防震结构和10气压防水,具备实用性。 这款手表在每次手腕倾斜时都会散发不同的光彩,充满梦幻般的魅力。 * 在某些情 …
The DW-5600E is the quintessential G-Shock - Gear Patrol
2024年5月6日 · At 13.4mm, the DW-5600 is one of the thinnest G-Shocks available. At 42.8mm wide and 13.4mm thick, it doesn’t wear much larger than most sports watches you can buy today. Its design, still firmly rooted in its 1980s upbringing, is comparatively mundane.
DW-5600UE-1 - CASIO
The DW-5600UE features the iconic form of the G-SHOCK brand of toughness-driven watches, known worldwide for constant innovation and the tireless pursuit of the ultimate in strength.
G-SHOCK DW-5600 - G-Central G-Shock Fan Site
The iconic and best-selling DW-5600 shares the same shape and style as the original G-Shock DW-5000C from 1983. The DW-5600 is a basic and affordable model that is available in a large variety of colorways. Recent models are equipped with the more power-efficient LED backlight instead of the EL backlight.
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An ever-popular classic that carries on the very first G-SHOCK design. The original color scheme is faithfully reproduced with touches of G-SHOCK red, representing the passion to take on challenges; blue, symbolizing excellent water resistance; and …
卡西欧dw5600怎么样? - 知乎
2019年5月18日 · 实物非常好看,而且功能性也比较符合我们日常生活要求,耐操,防水性能不错。 下面是两种型号的功能,您可以对比下。 G-5600 太阳能;5组闹铃+整点响报;秒表;倒计时;世界时间;夏令时;自动照明(长按右上出现A.EL代表开启);休眠功能(长时 间不见光会休眠,移动到光线在照射一会儿即可);节电功能(进入调节后PS是节电功能的显示,可以开启和关闭)。 关于时间调节按一下左上按键即可进入调节(年月日,时分秒);(表带上面的3229是 …