Metal Storm - Wikipedia
The Multi-shot Accessory Under-barrel Launcher (MAUL) is an electronically fired, 12-gauge shotgun for use as an accessory weapon to a range of weapons, such as the M4 or M16 rifle, or as a stand-alone 5 shot weapon, providing a range of lethal (buckshot and slug) and non-lethal (blunt impact, door breaching, and frangible) munitions, all ...
CSI:Miami's DX4 "vaporizer" isn't entirely vaporware
2007年12月14日 · The latest episode of CSI: Miami featured a plot that revolved around a weapon they called the DX4 or the "vaporizer." In the opening scene, three gun smugglers are blown into tiny pieces my a mystery weapon later revealed to be …
Guerillas in the Mist | CSI | Fandom
Calleigh thinks the carnage is the work of the DX4, an illegal electronic super-weapon known as the Vaporizer capable of firing 200 bullets at once. DNA from blood left on the men's shoes—all that remains of them—identifies them as three men with gun smuggling priors.
Metal Storm Weapons - Internet Movie Firearms Database
Metal Storm Weapons are a series of proposed (and prototype) weapons created by the Australian company Metal Storm Ltd. These weapons use superposed loads in a single barrel with electrochemical ignition, allowing for enormously high fire rates due to a lack of moving parts.
"CSI: Miami" Guerillas in the Mist (TV Episode 2007) - IMDb
After noise is heard in a shed at the docks, not corpses are found but a bloody mess and three pair shoes, the shocking mark of the DX-4 alias 'Vaporizer', an experimental, illegal weapon which fires up to 100,000 rounds per minute. DNA from the blood identifies three mashed-up gun runners: Hector Malcas, Eddie Padura and Pedro Rupan.
“Metal Storm” is capable of releasing 1 million rounds per minute
2020年12月7日 · The weapon was designed in the late 1960s for helicopters and armored vehicles. It fires 7.62 mm calibre rounds at a blistering rate of 6,000 rounds per minute, or 100 rounds per second — about ten times that of an ordinary machine gun, according to …
真的有DX-4俗稱蒸發者電動槍嗎 (CSI)_類似METAL STORM 一分鐘 …
2010年3月24日 · 槍械及彈道專家卡莉說出了殺害三人武器的名稱. 是一種從未公開的電動槍DX-4.俗稱蒸發者 完全利用電流發射.只要按下一個擎. 每秒可射出200顆子彈.一分鐘可射出10萬發. 但是, 真的有DX-4.俗稱蒸發者 電動槍嗎? 它發射子彈,其勢猛如狂飆、急似驟雨,在一分鐘內就從36個槍管發射100多萬發子彈。 這便是“金屬風暴”。 它在澳大利亞一問世,立即引起了各國軍方的高度關注. ... 它的單管發射速率由2200發/分提高到4.5萬發/分。 這是一種全新的發射技 …
Is the DX4 vaporizer real? - AnswersAll
2021年4月21日 · Is the DX4 vaporizer real? The DX4 in this clip is a prototype made by Australian-based Metal Storm, which is an appropriate name for a company that makes a gun with a rate of fire up to a million rounds a minute. The gun itself is nicknamed “The Vaporizer.” Instead, each round is individually ignited electronically.
DX-4 Plasma Rifle | V2RocketProductions Wiki | Fandom
The DX-4 Plasma Rifle is an experimental wonder weapon designed and developed by Group 935. It is issued to the Blitz Troopers of the Schutzstaffel and like the others, is considered a powerful Wonder Weapon.
CSI: Miami--'Guerillas In The Mist' | Talk CSI
2007年12月12日 · Three gun runners are literally vaporized at a warehouse at the Port of Miami while handling smuggled firearms. Calleigh thinks the carnage is the work of the DX4, an illegal electronic super-weapon known as the Vaporizer capable of firing 200 bullets at once.