About KBC Group - DZI
Established in 1998 after the merger of two Belgian banks (Kredietbank and CERA Bank) and one Belgian insurance company (ABB Insurance), today КВС Group is an employer with staff number exceeding 42 000 and a main servicing bank or insurer of over 11 million clients.
About DZI
DZI is the company with the longest experience on the Bulgarian insurance market, founded in 1946. The company is a leader on the insurance market in Bulgaria and has been part of the Belgian banking and insurance group КВС since 2007.
С фокус върху клиентите ние в ДЗИ реализираме пълния потенциал на принадлежността си към голяма банково-застрахователна група, каквато е КБС Груп и чрез богатото си портфолио от продукти, услуги и дигитални платформи откликваме на всяка потребност и …
DZI Insurance, KBC Group - LinkedIn
DZI Plc. is part of KBC Group - an integrated bancassurance group catering mainly for retail customers, private banking clientele and small and medium-sized enterprises with a leading position...
DZI (company) - Wikipedia
DZI is the company with the longest experience on the Bulgarian insurance market, founded in 1946. The company is a leader on the insurance market in Bulgaria and has been part of the Belgian banking and insurance group КВС since 2007.
KBC Group - Wikipedia
KBC Group N.V. is a Belgian universal multi-channel bank-insurer, focusing on private clients and small and medium-sized enterprises in Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia. It was created in 1998 through the merger of Kredietbank (KB), the cooperative CERA Bank [nl], ABB Insurance, and Fidelitas Insurance.
International Markets Business Unit - KBC
2025年2月14日 · Our insurer, DZI, is likewise maintaining its goal of growing faster than the market in both life and non-life insurance. In Hungary our focus lies on vigorous client acquisition in banking, to become the undisputed leader in the area of innovation.
Bulgaria - KBC
Main brands: DZI Insurance, United Bulgarian Bank; 176 bank branches, various distribution channels for insurance, electronic channels; 19% share of the market for traditional bank products, 14% for investment funds, 25% for life insurance …
KBC and Kontrakt Sofia reached agreement today for KBC to acquire 70% ownership of DZI Insurance, the market leader in non-life and life insurance in Bulgaria, for 185 million EUR. Following the acquisition, KBC will launch a public bid for the remaining 30%.
Who are we - DZI
The Belgian КВС Group is the largest banking and insurance company in Bulgaria. The companies, part of KBC Group in Bulgaria, are United Bulgarian Bank, DZI-General Insurance, DZI-Life Insurance, UBB Interlease, UBB Pension Insurance, UBB Asset Management, UBB Factoring, UBB Insurance Broker and KBC Branch Bulgaria.