DA20 Tech Specs - Diamond Aircraft Industries
Short trip loading, well serviced aircraft condition. Specifications apply to standard equipped aircraft, if not otherwise stated. The above data are approximately specifications and may change without notice.
DA20 Series – Space, Speed and Style - Diamond Aircraft Industries
The DA20 has a 2-blade constant speed propeller. Standard Garmin G500 cockpit with your flight instruments on the left side and your engine instruments on the right side. The DA20's instrumentation and standard Garmin G500 avionics are designed for safety, a positive learning transfer, reliability and value.
钻石DA20 - 百度百科
钻石DA20(英语:Diamond DA20)是一款由钻石飞行器公司的设计生产的小型飞机,可载两人,主要用作飞行训练和私人飞行。 首架DA20-A1 Katana是在1994年制造,发动机采用劳达斯912,是首款在 北美 发售的钻石飞机型号。 在1998年开始生产DA20 Evolution和Eclipse型号,发动机改用大陆IO-240-B3B,生产地点同样在加拿大。 DA20-A1型已在2010年停产,但C1型仍继续投产。 DA20-A1和C1都通过CAR 523和FAR 23的工具类飞机认证,允许DA20在 襟翼 完全收 …
The DA20-C1 is equipped with a Continental, 4-cylinder, IO-240-B (fuel injected, opposed, 239.8 cubic inch) engine rated at 125 horsepower at 2800 RPM. The engine is direct drive (crankshaft connected directly to the propeller), horizontally opposed (pistons oppose each
Diamond STC MT-Propeller
2006年3月14日 · Applicable Aircraft: Diamond DA20-C1; Engines: TCM IO-240-B; Propeller: MT 175 R 150-2Ca with/without Heggeman Silencer; Advantages: Best vibration damping characteristics; Bonded on stainless steel leading edge for best erosion protection of the blades; Installed Propeller and Spinner total weight remain unchanged. Enhanced cruising speeds by ...
DA20 i KATANA fly like an eagle FACTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Power plant Engine (BRP-Powertrain) Rotax 912 iSc3 Sport with 100 HP Propeller MT propeller MTV-21-A/175-05, 2-blade constant speed propeller Fuel grades Avgas 100LL, Mogas, Super EN 228 Performance (MTOM, ISA) Max. cruise speed 226 km/h TAS 122 kts TAS
• Best vibration damping characteristics for almost vibration free propeller operations • Bonded on stainless steel leading edge for best erosion protection of the blades • Take-off and climb performacne remain unchanged (ISA conditions, MTOW) • Enhanced cruising speeds by approx. 5 to 8 kts (ISA conditions, MTOW)
Diamond DA20 Overview, Specs, & Safety - LifeStyle Aviation
Sporty, sleek and exciting, yet surprisingly affordable, this plane offers outstanding performance, with impressive durability and economy for commercial training. The sporty cockpit is one of the most comfortable and intuitive in its class thanks to …
Refer to the latest revised empty weight and center of gravity data for effect on loading instructions. The MT 175 R 150 - 2Ca is a 2-blade wood composite fixed pitch propeller. The airplane may be operated without a spinner but in this case the front plate must cover the central bore of the propeller completely.
FAA STC for Diamond DA20-A1 & HOAC DV20 Katana - 2-blade MT-Propeller ...
3 天之前 · The Diamond DA20-A1 and HOAC’s DV20 Katana powered by a Rotax 912 S3 engine can now both be equipped with the 2-blade hydraulic constant speed propeller MTV-21-A/170-05 made by MT-Propeller. MT-Propeller Vice President Martin Albrecht says, that the installation of the 2-blade MTV-21 on the Diamond DA20-A1 and HOAC DV20 Katana complies with ...