List of hospitals in Denmark - Wikipedia
This is a list of hospitals in Denmark. Sct. Hans Hospital in Roskilde. The list of hospitals above was gathered from information on the following websites:
PrivatHospitalet Danmark - Din sundhed er vores ekspertise
PrivatHospitalet Danmark i Charlottenlund har korte ventetider og tilbyder undersøgelser, behandling og operationer inden for mere end 30 lægefaglige specialer.
Aarhus University Hospital
Aarhus University Hospital is a large university hospital located in Aarhus in Denmark. Aarhus University Hospital develops and provides highly specialised treatment, research and …
Hospitaler i Danmark - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Nedenfor følger en liste over nuværende hospitaler i Danmark. Det første danske hospital var Det kongelige Frederiks Hospital indviet i 1757 i Bredgade i København. Frederiks Hospital er …
Aarhus University Hospital - Wikipedia
Aarhus University Hospital is the local hospital for citizens in Aarhus and the island of Samsø, but also offers specialised treatments to the citizens of the Central Denmark Region and other …
Danish hospitals - elevating patient care - Healthcare Denmark
2024年11月26日 · The Danish hospital sector has undergone significant transformations since the implementation of the structural reform of the Danish healthcare system in 2007, which paved …
Private Hospitals in Denmark: What To Expect (2025)
2025年2月13日 · Denmark’s private hospitals offer a tailored healthcare experience with benefits like shorter wait times and specialized treatments. Clear communication in multiple languages …
Rigshospitalet - a highly specialised hospital in Denmark
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Herlev Hospital
2025年1月13日 · At Herlev Hospital, our mission is to provide exceptional healthcare services, contribute to groundbreaking research, and shape the future of medicine. We envision a …
Kontakt PrivatHospitalet Danmark, vi har tid til dig
Har du spørgsmål til en behandling, eller vil du booke en tid, sidder vi klar til at hjælpe dig på tlf. 39 64 19 49. Du er også velkommen til at sende en mail på [email protected] eller en sikker …