What Is a Dao Tree? | ehow
2021年7月12日 · Dao hardwood is defined as lightweight-to-medium-weight. At its heart, the wood is multicolored, with dark brown or black streaks mixing with grey or greenish-yellow or walnut …
Paldao - The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Paldao (Dracontomelon dao) Common Name(s): Paldao. Scientific Name: Dracontomelon dao. Distribution: Southeast Asia. Tree Size: 100-120 ft (30-37 m) tall, 5-7 ft (1.5-2.1 m) trunk …
Dracontomelon dao - Wikipedia
Dracontomelon dao, the Argus pheasant-tree, [3] Pacific walnut, Papuan walnut, New Guinea walnut, paldao or simply dao, [4] is a tree in the family Anacardiaceae, native to tropical Asia.
Figured Dao wood question - Alvarez AD60K - Acoustic Guitar Forum
2008年6月16日 · The real name for Dao wood is Dracontomelon dao. These trees grow in Asian countries and have traditionally been used as firewood by local people and they have fruits …
Paldao Hardwood Timber Specification - AnyOneWood
Paldao wood is a tropical hardwood species native to Southeast Asia. It is known for its unique striped grain pattern and natural golden-reddish hue. It is a very dense and hard wood, with a …
Dao (Dracontomelon dao) - ITTO
Dao occurs in primary or secondary evergreen to semideciduous forests, from the sea level up to 500 m of altitude. It is widely distributed in lowland New Guinea, New Britain and New Ireland …
Tonewood Spotlight: Dao - Andrew White Guitars
Let’s take a moment to look at one of our prettiest, and one of our best-selling tonewoods–Dao. The attractive grain speaks for itself, and with the abalone appointments, you’re sure to turn …
Paldao grows with a remarkable buttress encircling the lower trunk creating 40’ diameter growths which remote tribes believed held sprits. This is a beautiful veneer: a grey-brown background …
Dao Wood? - forum topic | Ultimate Guitar
2006年7月7日 · The wood paldao is found in Southeast asia. Botanical name: Dracontomelum, dao. Other names: Dao,Lamio,Paldao,Pal Dao,Sengkulang,ulandug. the sapwood is pale …
Dao - University of Santo Tomas
Dracontomelon dao wood is lightweight and easy to work with, making it suitable for a variety of crafts, including musical instruments, traditional Filipino furniture, and sculptures.