Ji Gong - Wikipedia
Daoji (Chinese: 道濟, 22 December 1130 – 16 May 1209, born Li Xiuyuan), popularly known as Ji Gong (Chinese: 濟公), was a Chan Buddhist monk who lived in the Southern Song. He purportedly possessed supernatural powers through Buddhist practice, which he used to help the poor and stand up to injustice.
Daoji - Buddhism Guide
Daoji (道濟 1130-1209), commonly known as Ji Gong (濟公 or 濟公活佛, Master Ji, Rinpoche Ji Gong), was an Buddhist monk during the Southern Song Dynasty in China. He was born with the name of Li Xiuyuan .
Monk Ji Gong – a legendary figure in Song Dynasty
Ji Gong (济公) (1130 or 1148–1209), also known as Li Xiuyuan in secular life and Daoji in Buddhist monastic life, hailed from Yongning Village, Tiantai County (now Tiantai County, Zhejiang Province), in the area of Taizhou, China. He was a renowned monk during the Southern Song Dynasty, revered by later generations as the “Living Buddha Ji Gong.”
2015年1月17日 · 本集主要内容: 日本武士中田信捌向永生挑战,永生在擂台上获胜并得到了他的刀谱,不料石黑少佐竟率兵倾巢而出欲取永生性命。 王生和劫持日军将领,这才让永生等人离开日军包围圈,然而永生和师兄弟们紧接着又遇到日本武士和士兵的追杀。 师兄弟们为了保护永生而牺牲,永生惊险万分地逃走。 疤癞四觊觎翠花,恰巧翠花赶走了保护她的狗蛋,疤癞四遂绑架了她。 (《大刀记》 第4集) 本集主要内容: 黄财主替翠花求情,白眼狼拒绝放人并趁机向黄财主 …
道济禅师的双重形象:疯僧与菩萨 - 汉斯出版社
Abstract: In the history of Chinese Buddhism, Master Daoji of the Southern Song Dynasty was a monk who stood out for his distinctive behavior. He was not only a mad monk who wore tattered clothes, drank alcohol, and consumed meat, but also a living Bodhisattva revered by the masses.
新語 : 道基 - 中國哲學書電子化計劃 - 中国哲学书 ...
故知天者仰观天文,知地者俯察地理,跂行喘息,蜎飞蠕动之类,水生陆行,根著叶长之属,为宁其心而安其性,盖天地相承,气感相应而成者也。 于是先圣乃仰观天文,俯察地理,图画乾坤,以定人道,民始开悟,知有父子之亲,君臣之义,夫妇之道,长幼之序。 于是百官立,王道乃生。 民人食肉饮血,衣皮毛;至于神农,以为行虫走兽,难以养民,乃求可食之物,尝百草之实,察酸苦之味,教民食五谷。 天下人民,野居穴处,未有室屋,则与禽兽同域。 于是黄帝乃伐木构 …
Daoji Huang
I'm Daoji. I am currently an NSF postdoctoral research fellow and a postdoctoral member at the Institute for Advanced Study . Previously, I was a postdoc at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities and ICERM, Brown University .
The Legend of Ji Gong | Ji Gong's Hometown《济公传说 ... - YouTube
2023年1月10日 · Ji Gong, whose real name was Li Xiuyuan and Buddhist name Daoji, is hailed as a living Buddha by Chinese people. It's said that he always dressed in ragge...
Daoji - Wikipedia
Daoji may refer to: Ji Gong or Master Daoji, Song dynasty monk; Shitao, also known as Daoji, Qing dynasty monk-painter
新語 : 道基 - 中國哲學書電子化計劃
故曰:張日月,列星辰,序四時,調陰陽,布氣治性,次置五行,春生夏長,秋收冬藏,陽生雷電,陰成雪霜,養育群生,一茂一亡,潤之以風雨,曝之以日光,溫之以節氣,降之以殞霜,位之以眾星,制之以斗衡,苞之以六合,羅之以紀綱,改之以災變,告之以禎祥,動之以生殺,悟之以文 …