Dardo IFV - Wikipedia
The Dardo is an infantry fighting vehicle designed for the Italian Army as a replacement for the M113 APC. It is designed and built by the Iveco Fiat Oto Melara Syndicated Company based in Rome. Iveco is responsible for the hull and propulsion systems, while Oto Melara is responsible for the weapons and fire control systems.
达多步兵战车 - 百度百科
达多步兵战车,武器装备,车体长6.70米、宽2.98米、高2.64米(至炮塔顶),战斗全重21.7吨。 达多的车体及炮塔由5083和7020型铝合金装甲板焊接而成,同时在车体前部及两侧采用了高硬度钢装甲板,并用螺栓紧固,钢装甲板厚度依据安装位置和铝合金装甲板倾斜度而有所不同。 20XX年夏, 欧洲 某国。 据情报显示,一伙武装恐怖分子正准备翻越边境地区的山地潜入该国进行恐怖活动,这些人属于一个自称“游猎者”的恐怖组织,此前曾经在欧洲各地制造过几起重大的恐怖事 …
Dardo IFV (1998) - tank-afv.com
A look on the Dardo is sufficient to tell its purpose, it is quite straightforward as an IFV, with all the typical characteristics of the type: A 20 mm autocannon complemented by AT missiles, a good armor, a rear crew compartment, and some speed to go with it.
“标枪”步兵战车简介 - 哔哩哔哩
标枪由依维柯公司的6V型MTCA涡轮增压中冷柴油发动机驱动,功率为512 马力 (382.2 千瓦)。 同时采用了菲亚特公司授权,采埃孚(ZF)公司设计的液力机械变速箱。 传动系统方面则是四个前进档,两个倒车档,有双流传动与液压缓速器。 在行走机构方面,标枪两侧各有6个直径560毫米的轮缘挂胶负重轮和3个托带轮。 悬挂系统为扭杆弹簧悬挂系统,由扭杆,保险杠和没个悬挂臂上的液压减震器组成。 这些系统使得标枪能够达到70 千米/小时,涉水深度最多不超过1.5 米。 …
Dardo Hitfist Tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicle
2001年6月12日 · The Dardo Hitfist infantry fighting vehicle, in production for the Italian Army, is designed and manufactured by the Iveco Fiat Oto Melara Syndicated Company based in Rome. The tracked vehicle has a 25mm gun turret, but can …
The IFV Dardo: History, Characteristics, Remarks and Possible Future
The aim of this paper is to analyse the history of the Dardo IFV describing its main characteristics and most important deployments and, at the same time, after a brief comparison with other NATO IFVs, to propose a solution for its upgrade in anticipation of the development of a new IFV family, possibly together with that of the much needed new ...
Dardo IFV [REVIEW + SPECS] | Defence Database
Dardo IFV is a tracked infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) designed and built by the Iveco Fiat Oto Melara Syndicated Company for the Italian Army. Iveco manufactures the hull and the propulsion system, while Oto Melara produces the weapons and the fire control system.
Dardo IFV - Military Wiki | Fandom
The Dardo is an infantry fighting vehicle designed for the Italian Army as a replacement for the M113 APC. It is designed and built by the Iveco Fiat Oto Melara Syndicated Company based in Rome. Iveco is responsible for the hull and propulsion systems, while Oto Melara is responsible for the weapons and fire control systems.
CIO Dardo Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) - Military Factory
2020年9月3日 · The Dardo Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) is part of the family of like-designed armored vehicles that include the tracked Ariete Main Battle Tank and the wheeled Centauro mobile tank killer. Like these systems, the Dardo is also a joint product by the Italian consortium involving IVECO and Oto Melara.
The Italian Dardo IFV - TankNutDave.com
The Italian Dardo IFV main gun is a KBA 25mm auto cannon, supplied by the famous Swiss firm Oerlikon. It can be elevated -10 to +30 degree’s. It has a modern Fire Control System which includes gunners laser range finder and thermal imaging.