Dario Amodei — On DeepSeek and Export Controls
About a month ago, DeepSeek released a model called "DeepSeek-V3" that was a pure pretrained model 3 — the first stage described in #3 above. Then last week, they released "R1", which added a second stage.
达里奥·阿莫迪 - 百度百科
达里奥·阿莫迪(Dario Amodei),意大利裔美国人,Anthropic的创始人 [1-2],Anthropic首席执行官兼总裁。 达里奥·阿莫迪拥有斯坦福、加州理工以及普林斯顿学历,主攻物理学的阿莫迪对人体大脑功能充满好奇心,因此在博士后出站后,他便先后加入了百度公司和谷歌大脑团队,并开发出了人类语音识别系统,2016年该项成就被麻省理工评为当年的突破性技术之一。 同时,他发表的探讨人工智能安全话题的论文也被视为新兴人工智能产业的里程碑。 2016年,达里奥·阿莫迪 …
Dario 16x Resource Pack by Rh56 | Resource Packs
2024年6月27日 · Dario 16x was created by Rh56 who is a well-known pack creator in the community. It features clean, higher-definition textures that use a blue theme, making it perfect for playing BedWars and other Minigames! It includes a realistic custom sky that looks beautiful, giving the pack an aesthetic feel.
hpx: 并行计算开源库,着重于分布式计算和计算密集型任务,和CAF相比,HPX的CPU密集型计算的性能更高。HPX …
hpx: 并行计算开源库,着重于分布式计算和计算密集型任务,和CAF相比,HPX的CPU密集型计算的性能更高。 HPX侧重于计算密集型和分布式集群,CAF侧重于Actor系统抽象。 Explore and code with more than 13.5 million developers,Free private repositories ! :) Already have an account? Sign in. This operation requires login to the code cloud account. Please log …
DarioSpinarGaming - YouTube
SkyBlock is back today in Roblox (Islands AQUAMARINE) Sky Block is COMING BACK! ¿Cómo sobrevivir en The Island en Roblox? - TRAILER. Bienvenidos a mi canal "DarioSpinarGaming" …
Parallel C++: Efficient and Scalable High-Performance Parallel ...
Octo-Tiger, an astrophysics code for stellar merger, is used as a showcase for a portable, efficient, and scalable high-performance application using HPX. The book’s core audience is advanced undergraduate and graduate students who want to learn the basics of parallel and distributed C++ programming but are not computer science majors.
Logseq 使用教程 & 学习资源分享 - FlowUs 息流
一款本地优先、重视隐私、类 Roam Research 、大纲类型的双链编辑器。 离线; 兼容 MD 和 Org 。 Org模式能满足一些高级玩家的需求。 强大的任务管理功能; 数据本地储存; 端对端加 …
血红素结合蛋白在血液相关疾病中的双刃作用:从基本机制到临床 …
血红素结合蛋白 (hpx) 是一种对血浆中血红素具有最高亲和力的血红素结合蛋白,可有效拮抗严重急性或慢性溶血引起的血红素毒性。 在本研究中,HPX浓度的变化在溶血性疾病的不同阶段进行了表征,强调了其作为评估疾病进展和预后的生物标志物的潜力。
Dario Amodei
Dario Amodei is the CEO of Anthropic, a public benefit corporation dedicated to building AI systems that are steerable, interpretable and safe. Previously, Dario served as Vice President of Research at OpenAI, where he led the development of …
预热丨Note 12 Pro+ 首发三星「HPX」旗舰大底主摄,2亿像素加持
2022年10月25日 · Redmi Note 12 Pro+将全球首发三星「HPX」旗舰大底主摄,拥有1/1.4"感光,比 IMX766 再大24%;融合 2.24μm,带来更优秀的原生夜景;最高 2 亿像素,高像素探索进行到底。