Use of DART-TOF-MS for Screening Drugs of Abuse - PubMed
Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART), coupled with a time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer, is an emerging technique that yields highly definitive screening data leading to the identity of controlled substances present in a case sample. Sample preparation is quick and simple and run times are typically only a few minutes.
Direct Analysis in Real Time | Ambient Ionization | DART - JEOL …
The AccuTOF™-DART® 4G is an atmospheric pressure ionization, high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer (API-HRTOFMS). This robust and versatile mass spectrometer provides solutions for a wide variety of fields with interchangeable atmospheric …
使用连续校准的 ar tof 质谱开发了一种用于法医分析的样品预筛查方法。 本方法简 化了工作流程并最 大限度地缩短了周期时间,同时提高了筛查准确度,确保后续更高质量
DART™(Direct Analysis in Real Time) | Products | JEOL Ltd.
Since DART™ was developed for JEOL AccuTOF™ series of mass spectrometers, it provides the best performance when attached to AccuTOF™ LC-Express. You can acquire high mass-resolution, accurate-mass spectra in real time by simply presenting samples of various shapes and states to the DART™ ion source without any sample preparation.
•The DART-TOF MS is the required forensic screening technique for any suspected fentanyl analogs •The DART-TOF MS database is easily updated to keep up with the emergence of new drugs •Validation must occur prior to reporting any positive results for fentanyl analogs •Interferent studies are a necessity as many compounds will have
Forensic applications of DART-MS: A review of recent literature
2021年3月1日 · From the inception of DART-MS forensic applications have been researched with demonstrations ranging from drugs of abuse to inorganic gunshot residue to printer inks to insect identification. This article presents a review of research demonstrating the use of DART-MS for forensically relevant samples over the past five years.
在实时飞行质谱 (DART-TOF-MS) 中使用 HPTLC 和直接分析快速分 …
为此,考虑并应用 HPTLC 和实时飞行时间质谱直接分析 (DART-TOF-MS) 来分析偶氮染料甲基红钠盐 (MRSS) 作为模型化合物的声氧化. 初始和最终紫外-可见光谱显示最大吸收峰明显消失,但显示出限制,因为它无法识别副产物。 HPTLC证实MRSS降解,也证实MRSS降解主要是由于氧化,而在所考虑的实验条件下,超声处理效果似乎可以忽略不计。 MRSS 的 DART-TOF-MS 分析的特征在于 m/z = 279.137 处的峰。 在 MRSS 氧化后观察到三个主要峰:m/z = 139.002、m/z …
通过实时直接分析(DART)与飞行时间质谱(TOF-MS)结合离子 …
在这项研究中,大气压电离技术包括实时直接分析(dart)离子源与飞行时间质谱仪(dart-tof-ms)以及掺杂剂辅助的正光电离离子迁移率光谱仪(dapp-ims) )无放射性,一起被用作快速筛查和鉴定53种滥用药物的有力分析工具。
Direct Analysis of Controlled Substances - Agilent
Identify controlled substances with little or no sample preparation! Agilent QuickProbe technology delivers direct analysis on GC/MS or on a TOF/Q-TOF/MS using the DART (direct analysis in real time) interface. Handheld Raman and FTIR systems for portable or out-of-laboratory measurements are also available.
Pharmaceutical identifier confirmation via DART-TOF
2014年7月1日 · The DART-TOF is a much faster analytical technique and confirmatory instrument for pharmaceuticals than the GC/MS. Sampling and data analysis on the DART-TOF takes approximately 10 min compared to an approximate 30 min run time of standard, blank, and sample solutions on the GC/MS. The ease with which samples are run on …
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