「怠い だるい②⓪」的意思与用法详解,日语学习词典 - MOJi辞書
疲れていて、からだに力がない。 動くのがおっくうである。 寝 不足 でだるい。 因睡眠不足而懒倦。
"da lu i"是什么意思? -关于日语(日文) | HiNative
da lu iThis is my opinion, but darui may be derived from dull.|@helloformosa: Yes! That's true !|一种发牢骚的语言 和麻烦 很接近 例:不想去学校 好麻烦 学校行きたくないなー だるい。
What does だるい (Darui) mean in Japanese? - WordHippo
Need to translate "だるい" (Darui) from Japanese? Here are 5 possible meanings.
だるい是什么意思_日语だるい的中文翻译 - 日汉词典_日语词典
日语だるい的中文翻译:发倦;[しびれるように]发酸;[気分的に]懒倦,慵懒『書』.全身がだるい/浑身发懒.手首がだるくなった/手腕子酸了.暑くなるとだるい/天气热了,人发倦.どうもだるく …
怠い | darui - Translation and Meaning in Japanese - Suki Desu
The word 「怠い」, read as "darui" in romaji, is used in the Japanese language to describe a feeling of physical or mental fatigue. It is often used to express that feeling of a heavy body, …
Podcast 46: Darui (Shorts) - Learn Japanese Pod
2022年12月19日 · 今日めっちゃだるいよ – Kyō meccha darui. I’m super tired today. Example 4: これから打ち合わせなんだよね。超だるい – Kore kara uchiawase nan da yo ne. Chō darui. …
Darui's Cherry Blossom Chapter 1, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction
Sakura is left behind in the village by her sensei while her team goes on a mission without her. Something tragic happens to her and she eventually recovers with the help of the man she …
Podcast 46: Just the dialogues (Shorts) - Learn Japanese Pod
2022年12月19日 · In this lesson, you will learn what Darui means. Check out the example sentences and dialogues to learn how these phrases are naturally used by native Japanese …
Stream Yung Darui - Sad Face Emoji by Darui - SoundCloud
Stream Yung Darui - Sad Face Emoji by Darui on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.
This lesson focuses on the phrase 怠いDarui which means tired, having no energy or a lack of motivation. This lesson includes the main podcast lesson, PDF show notes and an extra audio …