What is a Data Diode & How Do Data Diodes Work?
What is a data diode? A data diode is a unidirectional network communication device that enables the safe, one-way transfer of data between segmented networks. Data diode design maintains …
Data Diode and Unidirectional Gateways - Waterfall Security …
A data diode is a network security device that allows data to flow in only one direction. True data diodes are completely hardware-based, which makes them difficult to bypass or tamper with. …
DiOTa: IIoT Data Diode Cybersecurity Device | Owl Cyber Defense
DiOTa is a compact, single-purpose data diode designed to provide secure, one-way data transfers from a source to destination, without exposing the secure network to risk. Designed …
Home of the Open Source Data Diode (OSDD) Project - GitHub
A data diode is a device that physically enforces uni-directional (one-way) network traffic. This creates an additional layer of security, as the diode enforces that traffic can only flow from …
Data Diode Cybersecurity Products - Owl Cyber Defense
Owl Data Diode Products are designed to provide deterministic data transfer in only one direction (unidirectional), to segment and protect networks, devices, and other digital assets …
What is a data diode? How does a data diode work? - Advenica
Data diodes are the fail-safe way to protect sensitive systems and confidential data. A data diode is a security product that is placed between two networks and acts as a non-return valve …
Home - Terafence
Terafence Ltd. comprises seasoned professionals sharing a common goal – to make IoT and NoT safe and secure from malicious attacks. Our proprietary TFence™ firmware/microchip solution …
Data Diodes - Fibersystem
Data Diodes ensures robust cybersecurity by isolating critical systems and preventing unauthorized access, making them a crucial tool for secure data communication. Fibersystem …
ST Engineering Data Diode is one solution that can be used for data transfer while maintaining the “air-gap” between physically separated source and destination networks. As more cities …
Thiết bị hay công nghệ Data diode là giải pháp có hiệu suất cao, thiết kế nhỏ gọn có thể dễ dàng tích hợp với môi trường hoạt động của tổ chức. Thiết kế bảo mật để ngăn chặn rò rỉ dữ liệu và …