Dead by Daylight - A Multiplayer Action Survival Horror game
Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complete, and some of the most brutal unlockables your twisted mind can imagine.
Announcements & Updates | DbD News - Dead by Daylight
Get all the latest and official Dead by Daylight news and updates. Exclusive announcements about our latest updates, characters and more! Find out now!
Dead by Daylight
How do I Redeem my TCoFS x DbD Rewards? *For players impacted by the Dead by Daylight Deluxe Edition rewards issue, p...
Dead by Daylight | マルチプレイアクションのサバイバルホラー …
不気味な悪が支配する領域に、永遠に閉じ込められた生存者たち…その死にさえ救済のない世界で、粘り強い生存者4人と血に飢えた殺人鬼1人が知恵と度胸の試される残酷なゲームに挑む。最高の非対称マルチプレイホラーゲームで生存者または殺人鬼となり、スリルと恐怖に満ちた世界 …
New Chapters & all DBD Chapters - Dead by Daylight
Discover all the Dead by Daylight chapters in one place, sorted by release date. Resident Evil, Hour of the Witch, Hellraiser, All-Kill, A Binding of Kin, Descend Beyond, Silent Hill, Chains of Hate etc.
All Characters Portraits | Killer & Survivors - Dead by Daylight
In Dead by Daylight, there are two distinct roles to play and multiple Characters in each role to choose from : Survivors or killers! Discover all of them!
Dead by Daylight's Tome 19: SPLENDOR, New Updates, & More
2024年4月23日 · To celebrate last year's DbD Day, we gave players a chance to vote on which animal they wanted to see added to the Yamaoka Estate Maps, and we're happy to announce the winner! The community has spoken, and the mischievous Tanuki will be added as a permanent presence in all Yamaoka Estate Maps.
Dead by Daylight's Tome 20: MYTHIC, New Updates, & More
2024年7月16日 · Dead by Daylight’s Tome 20: MYTHIC uncovers new memories for Yui Kimura, The Spirit, and the House of Arkham.. Progress through the Rift and beyond, completing brand-new gameplay Challenges, unlocking Charms, and earning mythical Outfits for Yui Kimura, The Spirit, The Clown, David King, Sable Ward, and the latest newcomer to The Fog: Lara Croft.
全キャラクター紹介 | 殺人鬼&生存者 - Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylightには生存者と殺人鬼という2つの役割があり、それぞれの役割をプレイするのに複数のキャラクターから選ぶことができます。全キャラクターを一挙紹介!
『Dead By Daylight』のクロスプログレッションがまもなく利用 …
2024年7月16日 · 『Dead by Daylight』にクロスプログレッションが導入され、複数のプラットフォームでゲームの進行状況を共有できるようになります。