For the Post-DHA, the electronic form is DD2796. Lastly, for the Reassessment (PDHRA), the electronic form is DD2900. Each questionnaire is an opportunity for Soldiers and Army …
DD2900 - Executive Services Directorate
2023年12月14日 · Form Number: DD 2900. Title: Post-Deployment Health Re-Assessment (PDHRA) Edition Date: 12/14/2023. Authority: DoDI 6490.03. For use of this form please …
Post-Deployment Health Reassessment | Health.mil
You have two choice options for completion of the PDHRA: The Reserve Health Readiness Program for those without accessibility to a local or organic provider. The process to complete …
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): To assess your state of health after deployment in support of military operations and to assist military healthcare providers in identifying and providing present and …
Any protected health information (PHI) in your records may be used and disclosed generally as permitted by the HIPAA Privacy Rule . (45 CFR Pafts 160 and 164), as implemented within …
Ready and Resilient: Post-Deployment Health Reassessment
2014年4月7日 · The Post Deployment Health Reassessment (DD Form 2900), commonly known as the PDHRA is the third and final deployment health assessment administered to Soldiers …
The Pre-Deployment Health Assessment (DD 2795), the Post Deployment Health Assessment (DD 2796), and the Post Deployment Health Re-assessment (DD 2900) are encompassed …
Complete and certify the DD2900 (PDHRA) instead. • PDHRA (DD2900) (Person-to-Person Certification Screening) • Due between 90 and 180 days after theater departure date
The DOD Deployment Health Assessment program ensures that all Service members who were deployed for more than 30 days boots on ground are monitored periodically for both physical …
This statement serves to inform you of the purpose for collecting personally identifiable information through the DD Form 2900, Post-Deployment Health Re-Assessment (PDHRA).