Sorenson Lumina VP Videophone
Enjoy your conversations in exceptional resolution and customized to your preferences on the latest Sorenson VP — made for deaf users, by deaf users.
Sorenson Video Relay Service | VRS
Get premium video relay service on the Lumina VP with high-quality video, better flashers, and secure calls. Lumina VP Deaf-centric, purpose-built design just for you.
Deaf resources, news, education, jobs, ADA Compliance, ASL Interpreting and more!
Access starts here: Convo Access, Convo Now & Convo VRS
Built for Deaf users. Make phone calls easily through Video Relay Service (VRS). Also available on the web via Convo Link.
Sorenson Communications | Global ASL and Interpreting Solutions …
Sorenson is a global language services provider and the leader in communication solutions for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing communities. 140M+ interpreted and captioned calls per year
Home - ZP Better Together
ZP Better Together provides accurate ASL interpreting services for the deaf and hard-of-hearing through leading VRS technology.
Deaf-Owned Video Relay Service | VRS App | VRS - Convo Communications
Use Convo Video Relay Service (VRS) designed by a Deaf-owned company. And use the best interpreters in the industry for any kind of VRS call.
Deaf VP (Videophones) | Start ASL
2021年2月15日 · Deaf VP was a Deaf Videophone directory created by Sorenson. Videophones are telephones with a video screen. They enable deaf people to call each other (or a relay service) and use American Sign Language, their first language, to communicate.
VP / TTY / VRS: - American Sign Language
A "VRS" provides video interpreting between Deaf and Hearing people. Either person could initiate the process by calling the VRS and providing the number of the person they want to call. For example suppose a Hearing person wanted to call a Deaf person.
VP ViedoPhone for Deaf Community - verbatimlanguages.com
2022年7月26日 · We offer VideoPhone (VP) at our office for the Deaf Community. Our number is VP-689-240-6640. How Does Videophone Work? It’s pretty simple to set up and use a videophone. You’ll need an internet connection & a screen to connect with VP. Deaf people can have an application on their smartphones.