Wearing Deal Sleds or Loafers as an Intern | Wall Street Oasis
2018年6月30日 · Even if junior analysts are wearing "deal sleds" - it is much safer to wear a basic, conservative shoe as there will be no one that will have an issue with you.
Deal Sleds - Wall Street Oasis
2022年9月21日 · Fellas - Starting a new gig in NYC as an acquisitions associate at at REPE firm (level of Rockpoint, Square Mile, Angelo Gordon etc.) and need a recommendation for some good office
Mid-range deal sleds - Wall Street Oasis
2022年5月16日 · Dick_Whitman333, shame nobody has responded. Maybe one of these topics will help: Wearing Deal Sleds or Loafers as an Intern Sleds Weirdest Deal Sleds Elon Musk: Genius or Jacka**? (Twitter Deal on Hold) How did you deal with losing your parent (s)? This is what a group with poor deal-flow is like What was your *first* deal? More suggestions...
Sleds - Wall Street Oasis
2018年4月20日 · Looking forward to buy new deal sleds. Advice about where to buy different ones? Which brand? Disclosure: man, already have the Gucci's one, don't like LV
DEAL SLEDS OPINION - Wall Street Oasis
2022年1月12日 · Do I meet the distinction of wearing deal sleds as an SA? I would love to rock some Cole Haans or Ferragamos, as they would be a classic look and efficient to slip on, but I’m not
Weirdest Deal Sleds - Wall Street Oasis
2021年8月26日 · Do you think it's possible to close a deal in Osiris'? If not, what are the weirdest deal sleds you've seen.
Best Value (~$200) Bit Loafers? - Wall Street Oasis
2018年9月12日 · Any suggestions for good quality brown bit loafers around $200? I love the Gucci and Ferragamo styles, but I'd like to get a similar look for less. I've ordered and returned a few
Gucci Loafers with the Gold Bit vs Silver Bit - Wall Street Oasis
2018年10月24日 · Is it just me, or is this year's women's fashion trend of backless deal sleds off-putting? Since when did offensively luxurious slippers become acceptable (nay, de rigueur) office attire?
Nomura Reputation - Wall Street Oasis
2018年8月7日 · Those same finance meme pages used to post certain products (JUULs, La Croix, etc) with what I would assume was the same intentions (swaying opinion). Now you have hardos in undergrad sitting in their schools finance labs ripping JUULs, drinking La Croix, and talking about "deal sleds" and they don't even realize …
JLL Capital Markets Comp - Wall Street Oasis
2021年11月18日 · 60k base + a bonus that is highly dependent on what team you are on. Any ex-HFF teams are worth it but most aren't. The big problem at JLL is bullying. I know of at least two people that worked there, who got bullied pretty badly. Best advice is: Don't have shit deal sleds Don't act/look awkward Don't be a wannabe hardo Be able to rizz when you go out with your team