WHAT IS A TORBAR? The TORBAR is a multiport self-averaging flow meter with a design based on the classical pitot tube concept of fluid flow measurement. Since the introduction of the …
The TORBAR is a multiport self-averaging flow meter with a design based on the classical pitot tube concept of fluid flow measurement and with thousands having been installed into a large …
Torbar averaging pitot tube | CT Platon
The Torbar flowmeter is a multiport self averaging flow meter with a design based on the classical pitot tube concept of fluid flow measurement. Since the introduction of PLATON Torbar in …
La sonde TORBAR est un instrument de mesure de débit moyenné basé sur le concept du tube de pitot, composé de plusieurs points de mesure. en 1985, des milliers d'instruments ont été …
What is TORBAR? | Instrumentation and Control Engineering
2018年3月2日 · The TORBAR is a multi port self-averaging flow meter. Its designs is similar to the pitot tube (which is used for fluid flow measurement). Many industries have been used …
Torbar Averaging Pitot Tube | Supplier | Manufacturer
Multi-port, self-averaging flow meter. The FPD350 Torbar is a multi-port, self-averaging flow meter whose design is based on the classical pitot tube concept of fluid flow measurement. Since its …
Torbar is a multi-port, self-averaging primary flow element, based on the 'Pitot Tube' principle of fluid flow measurement. Torbar produces an averaged differential pressure (DP) signal …
托尔巴流量计 - 百度百科
托尔巴流量计是托尔巴(上海)测量技术有限公司在中国市场新推出的一款削竹式曲面结构的流量传感器,它采用开放式中心取压原理,其中心区流速与管道各点流速的均值通过云标定 …
托尔巴(上海)测量技术有限公司 - 爱企查
托尔巴(上海)测量技术有限公司在从事测量技术领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务及技术转让,仪器仪表、仪表元件、传感器及其系统配套设备、机电设备的销售,从事货物及技术进 …
What is a Torbar?- Averaging Pitot Tubes - Electrical Volt
The TORBAR is a multi-port self-averaging flow meter. In this article, we will discuss what is torbar, its working, operation, application, advantages & disadvantages.