Deceneus - Wikipedia
Deceneus or Decaeneus (Greek: Δεκαίνεος, Dekaineos) was a priest of Dacia during the reign of Burebista (82/61–45/44 BC). He is mentioned in the near-contemporary Greek Geographica of …
Deceneu - Wikipedia
Deceneu a fost un filosof, astronom, sfătuitor al lui Burebista (82 î.e.n. - 44 î.e.n.), rege dac între 44 î.e.n. - 27 î.e.n. Înaintea lui, în cadrul oficiului de mare preot, înțelept și sfătuitor, fusese …
Deceneus - Wikiwand
Deceneus or Decaeneus (Greek: Δεκαίνεος, Dekaineos) was a priest of Dacia during the reign of Burebista (82/61–45/44 BC). He is mentioned in the near-contemporary Greek Geographica of …
Deceneus - 华文百科
Deceneus或Deceeneus (希腊语:δεκαίνεος, Dekaineos )是Burebista统治期间Dacia的牧师(82/61-45/44 BC)。 在 Strabo 的近代希腊 地理位置 以及6世纪的 Jordanes 的 拉丁语 …
Deceneus was a philosopher, astronomer, and priest - Alex Costin
Deceneus is remembered as a philosopher, astronomer, and counselor who played a significant role in the religious and political life of the Dacian people. Although much of his teachings and …
About: Deceneus - DBpedia Association
Deceneus or Decaeneus (Greek: Δεκαίνεος, Dekaineos) was a priest of Dacia during the reign of Burebista (82/61–45/44 BC). He is mentioned in the near-contemporary Greek Geographica of …
Deceneus - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
(or Dicineus, Dekaineos) refers in The Origin and Deeds of the Goths (Getica) by Jordanes to two different men in Dacia: Deceneus, the predecessor of Zalmoxis in the distant past (Getica V …
Deceneus | History Wiki - Fandom
Deceneus (or Dicineus, Dekaineos) refers in The Origin and Deeds of the Goths (Getica) by Jordanes to two different men in Dacia: Deceneus, the predecessor of Zalmoxis in the distant …
Deceneu, sfătuitorul lui Burebista, un înțelept al antichității, trăia ...
2024年8月28日 · Deceneu a fost un filosof, astronom, sfătuitor al lui Burebista (82 î.e.n. – 44 î.e.n.), rege dac între 44 î.e.n. – 27 î.e.n. Înaintea lui, în cadrul oficiului de mare preot, înțelept …
Deceneus Review - YouTube
Esoteric discussions on art, literature, and culture in a decadent world. deceneus.substack.com (https://deceneus.substack.com?utm_medium=podcast)