WLX | Western Logistics Express to relocate to new headquarters …
2024年9月5日 · WLX | Western Logistics Express, an asset-backed supply chain management organization, announced today that it will relocate to a new headquarters in Kansas City, creating 76 new jobs.
WLX | Western Logistics Express to relocate to new headquarters …
2024年9月5日 · Kansas City, Mo. — WLX | Western Logistics Express, an asset-backed supply chain management organization, announced today that it will relocate to a new headquarters in Kansas City, creating 76 new jobs.
WLX | Western Logistics Express to relocate to new headquarters …
2024年9月5日 · The Missouri Department of Economic Development (DED) works to create an environment that encourages economic growth by supporting Missouri’s businesses and diverse...
Deferred Enforced Departure - USCIS
2025年1月16日 · Eligibility requirements for Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) are based on the terms the president specifies in each DED directive. Each presidential directive includes the criteria for an individual to be covered by DED and certain exceptions for …
Press Releases | Department of Economic Development - Missouri
WLX | Western Logistics Express to relocate to new headquarters in Kansas City, creating 76 new jobs 09/05/2024
上海科技大学的Zirong Zhai等人开发了一个基于深度强化学习的镍 …
定向能量沉积(ded)工艺是高端制造的关键技术,在第四次工业革命中取得了一定的进展。 其制造复杂金属部件的独特能力使其在具有严格性能要求的各个行业中的应用不断增加。
白宫美东时间星期三 (1月15日)下午宣布,即将卸任的乔·拜登总统决定对某些目前居住在美国的香港居民所享受的“延期强制离境” (DED)待遇予以延长并扩大合格者范围。 在致美国国务卿和国土安全部长的 备忘录 当中,拜登指示美国政府有关部门对部份在美国的香港居民的递延遣返再延长两年的时间,自这份备忘录发布之日起开始生效。...
Extending and Expanding Eligibility for Deferred Enforced Departure …
2025年1月17日 · There are compelling foreign policy reasons to extend Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for an additional period for those residents of Hong Kong presently residing in the United States who were under a grant of DED until February 5, 2025, as well as to defer enforced departure for other Hong Kong residents who arrived in the United States ...
暂缓强制递解 - MOIA
延期强制离境 (Deferred Enforced Departure, DED) 是美国总统酌情批准的一项福利,旨在保护某些人不被驱逐出境,并允许他们在一段指定的时间内在美国生活和工作。
Revised Guidance on DED for Certain Hong Kong Residents
On Jan. 15, 2025, President Biden issued a memorandum directing the secretary of Homeland Security to extend Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for certain Hong Kong residents, and to provide for continued work authorization through Feb. 5, 2027.