Dedue - Fire Emblem Wiki
2019年6月7日 · Dedue is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. He is 18 years old at the start of the game. Dedue was the first born …
Dedue - Fire Emblem Wiki
Dedue Molinaro (pronounced /dɛ'du/ [key]; Japanese: ドゥドゥー=モリナロ Dodoo Molinaro) is a playable character appearing in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. He is a member of the Blue …
Dedue Molinaro - Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Triangle Attack
Dedue is a character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Browse stats, growth rates, skills, recruitment requirements, supports, teatime data, and other related game data.
Rate the Unit-Three Houses, Day 10: Dedue
2020年10月18日 · Dedue is regarded as one of the best physical tanks in the game with the highest base and growth rate in defense (8+50%) out of any unit. His personal boosts his …
War for the Weak - Fire Emblem Wiki
War for the Weak is Dedue's Paralogue Chapter in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. This chapter takes place at the Mountains in the Faerghus region, and is only available on the Azure Moon …
Dedue Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8
2021年3月3日 · This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Dedue - Dimitri's Vassal in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit …
Dedue - rhematic.net
Beyond his prowess at physical defense, Dedue's also a good fit for the same niche that Raphael and Balthus occupy—low Spd, but high-Str axe and gauntlet users. Dedue especially is a …
Dedue - Meet some of the Heroes FE Heroes
Dedue was seriously wounded during the fighting and came close to the brink of death, but he was saved by Dimitri, Faerghus’s prince. Since then, Dedue has been completely loyal to …
Dedue/Tea Party - Fire Emblem Wiki
"I do not like classrooms. I would rather learn at my own pace." "Was there something you wanted to discuss?" "I am the sword and shield of His Highness. I must constantly work to improve." …
Fire Emblem Three Houses Endings
Dedue began to frequent the place on breaks from his duty as the king's vassal, and over time, imparted to Ashe his culinary wisdom. As the inn gained popularity, the people of the Kingdom …