The mysterious multi-modal repellency of DEET - PMC
DEET is the most effective insect repellent available and has been widely used for more than half a century. Here, I review what is known about the olfactory and contact mechanisms of DEET …
待乙妥 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
待乙妥(英語: Diethyltoluamide ,缩写为DEET),又稱敵避、敵避胺、避蚊胺,是一種淡黃色的液油狀物体,是常見的防蚊液成份,使用時噴灑於皮肤或衣物,主要用於驅除蚊子。
DEET - Wikipedia
It is a slightly yellow oil intended to be applied to the skin or to clothing and provides protection against mosquitoes, flies, ticks, fleas, chiggers, leeches, and many other biting insects. DEET …
Field evaluation of deet, Repel Care, and three plant based
Diethyl methyl benzamide, or deet, a commercial plant-based repellent (Repel Care), and essential ils from 3 species of plants (finger root rhizomes, guava leaves, and turmeric …
Insect repellents: Historical perspectives and new developments
2008年5月1日 · DEET serves as an effective repellent of mosquitoes, ticks, and other arthropods when used on the skin or clothing. 1 DEET is available in the United States in concentrations …
DEET - 百度百科
DEET是无味、无色或淡褐色液体,化学名是N,N-二乙基-3-甲基苯甲酰胺,用于制作高效无毒驱蚊剂。DEET最早由美国的农业部所制作,专供用于美军野战,后来被推广。Deet于1957年在 …
A DEET-induced confusion - Nature Chemical Biology
2011年10月18日 · The mechanism by which the insect repellant N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) functions remains unclear, but possibilities include interference with the olfactory …
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• DEET is used to repel biting and flying insects such as biting flies and midges, black flies, chiggers, no-see-ums, fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks. Repellents containing DEET are used on …
避蚊胺 - 百度百科
避蚊胺(DEET),是一种广泛使用的杀虫剂。 将其喷洒在皮肤或衣服上,避免虫蚊叮咬。 避蚊胺是由 美国军队 在“ 二战 ”期间发明。 1946年军队开始使用,1957开始投入民用。 最初在农场 …
The DesertLeaf
The DesertLeaf is a monthly publication (11 issues/year, including a combination July-August issue) distributed to homes, libraries, and businesses in the greater Tucson metropolitan area. …