Dehua porcelain - Wikipedia
Dehua porcelain (Chinese: 德化陶瓷; pinyin: Déhuà Táocí; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tek-hòe hûi), more traditionally known in the West as Blanc de Chine (French for "White from China"), is a type of white Chinese porcelain, made at Dehua in the Fujian province. It has been produced from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) to the present day.
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Dehua Porcelain – Best Ceramics
Dehua porcelain, celebrated for its "Blanc de Chine" and unique color variations like "pig oil white" and "ivory white," represents the pinnacle of Chinese ceramic artistry. Using pure local porcelain clay and traditional firing techniques, Dehua's artisans …
Dehua Porcelain: The White from China - 艺术中国
Dehua is one of the three major Chinese centers of ancient porcelain. Dynasties come and go; so did time and space. But for thousands of years, the fire in kilns never cease. Over 200 dragon-shaped kiln sites made it to modern times, three of which …
2024年6月22日 · Dehua, a county in Fujian Province, China, spans 2,232 square kilometers and has a population of 300,000. It falls under the administration of Quanzhou City. Known for its abundant kaolin resources, Dehua is famous for its ceramic products, particularly crafts …
走进德化_德化县人民政府 - dehua
德化于五代后唐长兴四年(933年)置县,地处福建省中部、泉州市北部,县域面积2232平方公里,户籍人口35.49万,辖18个乡镇、222个行政村(社区)。 境内山多、水足、矿富、瓷美,素有“闽中宝库”之称。 陶瓷生产历史悠久,是我国陶瓷文化发祥地和三大古瓷都之一,陶瓷产品80%以上外销,销往190多个国家和地区,是福建省十大重点出口县(市)之一、全国最大的工艺陶瓷生产和出口基地。 先后荣膺“世界陶瓷之都”、“中国陶瓷之乡”、“全国文明城市”、“中国电子商务 …
Dehua: The Cradle of Blanc De Chine – Best Ceramics
Explore Dehua, a county in Fujian known for its Blanc De Chine porcelain. Delve into its history from the Ming dynasty to its export to Europe and Japan. Learn about the distinct qualities of Dehua porcelain, its production process, and the famous artists like He Chaozong who signed their masterpieces.
The Legacy of Dehua: World Capital of Porcelain - Best Ceramics
2024年6月4日 · Discover the rich history and unparalleled craftsmanship of Dehua, one of China’s ancient porcelain capitals. Known for its unique "ivory white" glaze, Dehua porcelain has been celebrated globally. Explore the interactive museums, stunning natural attractions, and cultural heritage of this fascinating region.
Dehua—China’s Ancient Porcelain Production Center
2023年1月1日 · Modern Dehua kilns produce every porcelain product imaginable, provided you’ve a limited imagination: fine dishes, statues of deities and demons, and gigantic vases big enough to hide in (see Porcelain Street below).