a list of demoscene events – demoparty.net
Win the T64 demo compo, win an assembled EVO64 board.
Demoscene - Wikipedia
The demoscene (/ ˈdɛmoʊˌsiːn /) is an international computer art subculture focused on producing demos: self-contained, sometimes extremely small, computer programs that produce audiovisual presentations. The purpose of a demo is to show off programming, visual art, and musical skills.
Upcoming parties - demoparty.net
Upcoming demoparties all over the world: FOReVER 2025, Buxton Bytes 2025, Fioniadata 2025…
Demoparties in United States – demoparty.net
Upcoming and past demoparties in United States between 2016 and 2025: @party 2025, Demosplash 2024, Kansasfest 2024…
世界顶级Demoparty芬兰Assembly电脑节开幕啦! - 知乎专栏
Assembly电脑节由两部分组成,一部分是Demoparty,是世界最高水平的电脑艺术和Demoscene聚会,而另一部分则是北欧最高水平的电竞大赛。 Demoparty的部分讲通过Twitch的AssemblyTV频道全程转播
Demoparties - demoscene.info - the portal on the demoscene
In this section, you'll find links to demoscene-related events that give sceners a platform to get together, talk about the latest demoscene development, compete in several categories and get to know people they usually only know from the internet. Please note: demoscene.info's goal is not to be a complete demoscene link archive.
@party | a demoparty in Boston
2025年2月11日 · It is our pleasure to invite you to @party 2025! This is the 15th annual @party and we’re returning to Artisan’s Asylum in Allston, MA USA. There will be three full days of scheduled programming from Friday June 20th through Sunday June 22th.
近距离接触北美Demo社区之Synchrony+Récursion - 知乎
在电脑艺术领域,Demoscene一直是一个令人神往的领域,它结合了高超的开发技巧,各个不同时代的电脑平台和眼花缭乱的视觉效果,这一次,笔者以一名中国观众的视角,走进Synchrony+Récursion ——在美国纽约和加拿大蒙特利尔联合举办的一场Demoparty。
Syntax DemoParty : Melbourne, Australia (Demoscene Australia)
Syntax is a small computer arts festival known as a "Demoparty". These weekend events occur globally and bring together coders, musicians, graphic artists and tech creatives to watch and often present works of art in digital form. We also have fun compertitions for pixeled graphics, animation and chipmusic.
Assembly (demoparty) - Wikipedia
The Assembly demoparty is an annual demoscene and gaming event in Finland. It is the biggest and the longest standing demoscene party. [1] . The Summer event takes place every year at Messukeskus in Helsinki, between late July and early August, and lasts three to four days. [2] . The 2020 edition was held online.
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