Design Load & Service Load 2 - Eng-Tips
2003年4月9日 · The current way, Ultimate Strength. The design load is the service load increased by specified load factors in order to provide a factor of safety. Traditional Examples: Service …
Park Bench Design Live Load? - Structural engineering general ...
2002年12月2日 · However, any one slat or a few connected slats in the bench could have a concentrated load of over 200# plus impact. It would probably be a good idea to check a …
Parking Garage Live Load - Structural engineering general ... - Eng …
2008年1月25日 · clarification - Alternate Live Load reduction under the old BOCA code allowed for load reductions down to 40 psf and I believe even below that. Something like a 40% max …
Live Load in Office - Structural engineering general discussion
2010年8月29日 · “The Load is an Average Value The requirement to design a floor for a uniform load of 50 PSF over the entire tributary area for a particular member does not mean that this is …
Design Load for a Door 2 - Eng-Tips
2001年4月13日 · My latest project is a 'free standing' door frame, cantilevered from the bottom. The door is a normal 3'x7' metal door. I'm at a loss for the loading. I'm thinking a load of about …
Load Duration Factor CD for wood 2 - Eng-Tips
2025年3月4日 · Unless I have a really good reason not to, I follow Table 2.3.2 of the NDS which give CD=1.0 for an Occupancy Live Load. The approach by pham is reasonable but how are …
design load combinations - Bentley: STAAD products - Eng-Tips
2009年8月17日 · (steel design parameters and run design) load list 3 4 (concrete design parameters and run design) This way, different materials can easily be designed for different …
M.o.S vs F.o.S - Aircraft engineering - Eng-Tips
2012年11月7日 · 1) first we define a limit load on the structure, say a maneouvre load. the allowable for limit load is yield, ie no plasic deformation. 2) then ultimate load = 1.5*limit; 1.5 is …
Storage Live Load - Structural engineering general discussion
2005年7月29日 · We have several times had to go into steel-framed offices buildings (designed by us, as well as by others) to reinforce floors above the original 100 psf office + partitions + …
Live Load Reduction for multi-story columns with different floor …
2016年3月8日 · Essentially an increase in the square footage of the residential load reduces the residential design uniform load for the column. The first column to see residential load …