Department for International Development - Wikipedia
The Department for International Development (DFID) was a ministerial department of the government of the United Kingdom, from 1997 to 2020. It was responsible for administering …
About us - Department for International Development - GOV.UK
These services are now provided by FCDO: - international development funding opportunities - UK-funded development projects around the world. DFID was a ministerial department from …
Department for International Development - GOV.UK
It’s been replaced by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).
国际发展部 - 华文百科
国际发展部 ( DFID )是 HM政府 部门负责从1997年到2020年管理 外国援助的 部门。 该部门的目标是“促进可持续发展并消除世界贫困”。 DFID由英国 国际发展国务卿 领导。 该职位上次由 …
外交、联邦和发展事务部:如何重组政府部门? - 知乎
6月16日,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)在议会宣布 [1] ,外交和联邦事务部(FOC)将与国际发展部(DFID)合并组建为外交、联邦和发展事务部(Foreign, …
Since 1997, DFID is the department of the UK government that manages Britain's aid to developing countries and aims to eliminate extreme poverty worldwide.
DFID - Department for International Development - YouTube
DFID, the Department for International Development, is the part of the UK Government that manages Britain's aid to poor countries. Our work is focused on ach...
DFID Alumni Association for former DFID staff and former ODA staff
If you have ever been employed by DFID (or its predecessors the Overseas Development Administration or the Overseas Development Ministry) for a period of six months or more, you …
Department for International Development (DFID) - India
Unverified non-profit organisation. The Department for International Development (DFID) India, with its headquarters in New Delhi, is part of the British High Commission family. It implements …