Digitrax DCC Decoder Lighting Question - Trainorders.com
For Digitrax, F0 turns on the front light, F1 turns on the rear. Reverse makes the front light dim if on, but lights stay on if selected. Digitrax CV33 = 01 Assign Front Head Lamp on F0, on/off …
Model Railroading > Digitrax Question - Trainorders.com
Contemplating making a change to Digitrax for my N-Scale layout. Looking at the EVOX or the EVOXD. I understand that the duplex version offers a wireless experience with more flexibility …
Model Railroading > review of Digitrax LNWI (wifi device)
Hello fellow modelers, I just received my Digitrax LNWI (LocoNet Wifi Interface)and I thought I would share my initial findings: AWESOME! It took five minutes to setup and connect and run …
Digitrax Wifi and Radio throttle interference - Trainorders.com
We have a couple Digitrax LNWI units that were donated to us by a generous club member several years ago and I would like to start using a wifi throttle. I was informed that we had …
Driving Atlas Signal with Digitrax system - Trainorders.com
The Digitrax system provides BDL168s for detection and SE74 (SE8C replacement) for signal driving but relies on a computer running third party software for the signal logic. The Atlas …
Digitrax DH165IP connections for SFX006 Soundbug, Quick & Easy
Unlike other DH165 decoders which have an 8 pin socket for the Soundbug Digitrax says hardwire connections must be made. I cannot find the required connections anywhere. Is it as …
Model Railroading > Digitrax vs. TCS decoders - Trainorders.com
Recently, I bought a four pack of the Lenz decoders and they did not live up to what a Digitrax of similar design would, ie, allow full light functions w/o resistors off an Athearn Adaptor borad. …
To Reset Digitrax DT400 and... - Trainorders.com
I would also suggest getting the Digitrax PS12 power adaptor. This device plugs into a wall socket with the pin plug going to the UR91 or any UP5. If you are using some UP5's along with the …
Kato SD70MAC Digitrax sound decoder install! - nScale.net
The motor tabs on the kato board need to be removed and soldered on the Digitrax decoder, this is how it should look when done. This is the decoder with the old speaker removed. Those …
Model Railroading > Digitrax "Slot Max" - Trainorders.com
A while back there was a set of instructions about clearing the dreaded slot max from a Digitrax command station. I down loaded the instructions and used it successfully at our club layout. I …