An Unusual Hailstorm on 24 June 2006 in Boulder, Colorado
2008年8月1日 · The disk-shaped hailstones from the 2006 Boulder storm are different from the usual oblate hailstones in two respects. First, they grew as low-density rime according to the …
Hailstone library to improve extreme weather forecasting
2024年8月16日 · Storm simulations using 3-D modelling of real hailstones -- in all sorts of weird shapes from oblong to flat discs or with spikes coming out -- show it behaves differently than …
Hailstone library to improve extreme weather forecasting
2024年8月16日 · “But hail can be all sorts of weird shapes, from oblong to a flat disc or have spikes coming out – no two pieces of hail are the same. “Conventional scientific modelling of …
Lumpy, bumpy hail: Realistic hail shapes may improve modeling …
2024年10月22日 · — Though often compared in size to round objects — peas, golf balls or even softballs — hailstones do not fall from the sky as smooth spheres. A new approach for …
The Structure and Mechanisms of Hailstorms | SpringerLink
In this article we review the current state of knowledge concerning the dynamical and microphysical structure of hailstorms and we attempt to fit it into a coherent framework which …
Massive Hailstone Collection Unlocks Secrets of Storm Behavior
2024年8月23日 · University of Queensland researchers are enhancing storm predictions by creating a ‘hailstone library’ with real hailstones, revealing significant variations in storm …
Sydney's storms saw cauliflower-shaped hailstones batter the …
2018年12月20日 · Sometimes hail can melt as it falls because of its shape — if they are round or jagged, they tumble; if they are a wide disc shape, they fall without tumbling. "There's also a …
hailstone, flecked with black paint to assist in 3D scanning, is weighed as part of processing for the library. Credit: The University of Queensland. University of Queensland library—full of...
Hailstone library improves predictions of damaging storms - Cosmos
2024年8月19日 · In their new study in the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Soderholm and collaborators explored whether compiling a reference library of non-spherical, natural hail …
A hail stone shape is circular at smaller sizes and becomes more irregular at larger sizes. Since the shape is usually circular, a guide for reporting hail size by comparing it to circular objects …