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Digging deeper into the Korean Wave. BLACKPINK LISA Oscars = Nepotism? / Ex-NCT Taeil NOT detained.. / Bong JH Racist? [DK News] 🗣️ Is GD still relevant? / Will BTS Jin Sue S*ex …
【请教】糖尿病肾病(DN)和糖尿病肾脏疾病(DKD)在定义和内 …
糖尿病肾脏病(diabetic kidney disease,DKD)是指临床考虑由糖尿病引起的肾脏病变,如经肾穿刺病理检查证实则称为糖尿病肾小球病变 (diabetic glomerulopathy),与既往糖尿病肾病(DN)虽仅一字之差,但更科学、严谨,将来逐渐由DKD取代DN这个术语。 DKD是美国肾脏病基金会(NKF)2007年提出,全文发表于AJKD,VOL 49, NO 2, SUPPL,全文中有这样一句:“The term “diabetic nephropathy” should be replaced by DKD.
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2024年2月12日 · 孟姐顶着“笨蛋美人”标签勇闯综艺圈,去年在《桃花坞》贡献了“高情商发言”经典场面;李昀锐《星汉》里是文弱书生,现实中却是篮球场暴扣猛男。 节目组摆明要复刻“陆地CP”的流量神话,连宣传海报都暗戳戳搞暧昧,CP粉已经提前开香槟:“昀牵孟绕”超话阅读量破80亿,这波不磕不是中国人! 老钉子户们也是看点满满——李晨郑恺这对“初代跑男”继续留守,但评论区都在刷“求放过”。 李晨的“大黑牛”人设从2015年用到2025年,现在撕名牌都喘粗气;郑恺的“小 …
PITAPAT (DKDK) | Fromis_9 Wiki | Fandom
PITAPAT (DKDK) is the lead single of Fromis_9's second mini album, To. Day. It was released on June 5, 2018 along with the entire To. Day EP. The single only features eight members of Fromis_9, since Gyuri was a contestant on Produce 48 when the EP was recorded. The song was also partly written by Hayoung, Jiwon, and Seoyeon.
fromis_9 – 두근두근 (Pitapat) (DKDK) Lyrics - Genius
DKDK is the title track of the EP To. Day. by the South Korean girlgroup fromis_9 and it’s about how your heart flutters when you come across someone you have a crush on. The song is a ‘Fusion...
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