Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) - Psoriasis Club
A friendly independent online Psoriasis forum with a good mix of patients, and regular news. Never be alone, come and talk to others who understand.
Statins and psoriasis a meta-analysis
A friendly independent online Psoriasis forum with a good mix of patients, and regular news. Never be alone, come and talk to others who understand.
Happiness and psoriasis study
2024年8月15日 · A friendly independent online Psoriasis forum with a good mix of patients, and regular news. Never be alone, come and talk to others who understand.
One year Tremfya evaluation of efficacy & safety - Psoriasis Club
2022年5月27日 · A friendly independent online Psoriasis forum with a good mix of patients, and regular news. Never be alone, come and talk to others who understand.
Psoriasis Club - Bio treatments for psoriasis maintaining …
This study looked at the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) and the dermatology life quality index (DLQI) on patients taking Bio treatments for psoriasis for up to 6.5 years.
Itch numeric rating scale in patients with psoriasis (Study)
2016年5月10日 · A friendly independent online Psoriasis forum with a good mix of patients, and regular news. Never be alone, come and talk to others who understand.
Bio treatments for psoriasis maintaining improvement after 6.5 years
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that DLQI and PASI remain low after 12 months, and, in fact, both gradually decline further with time. Patients on biologic agents for prolonged periods …
NICE ready to approve Tremfya for psoriasis
Quote: Guselkumab is recommended as an option for treating plaque psoriasis in adults, only if: the disease is severe, as defined by a total Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) of 10 or …
Psoriasis and choice of clothes
A friendly independent online Psoriasis forum with a good mix of patients, and regular news. Never be alone, come and talk to others who understand.
Sotyktu for psoriasis 4 year results
2023年11月1日 · A friendly independent online Psoriasis forum with a good mix of patients, and regular news. Never be alone, come and talk to others who understand.