PEG2000-DMPE | 试剂 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
PEG2000-DMPE can be used to synthsis a LNP. PEG2000-DMPE enhances the entrapment efficiency depending on the increasing portion in the liposome. The optimal formulation for animal study is that DMPC/PEG2000-DMPE/CH=50/5/45 at the weight ratio of drug/lipid=1/20.
DMPE-PEG2000 (14:0 PEG2000 PE,14:0聚乙二醇2000聚乙烯) - 仅供科研 | PEG …
DMPE-PEG2000 (14:0 PEG2000 PE) is a PEG-phospholipid conjugate to prepare nanostructured lipid carrier [1]. DMPE-PEG2000 具有独特的双亲性结构,DMPE 具有疏水性,PEG 具有亲水性。 这种结构让它在脂质体中既能与其他脂质成分的疏水部分相互作用,稳定脂质体双层结构,又能凭借 PEG 链的亲水性,改善脂质体在水性环境中的分散性和稳定性 [1]。 MCE has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.
DMPE-PEG-NH2;1,2-十四酰基磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-氨基;DMPE-PEG …
英文名称:dmpe-peg-nh2. 英文别名: dmpe-peg-amine. 产品纯度: ≥95%. 产品用途: 应用于医学研究,药物释放,纳米技术和新材料研究,细胞培养。 以及配体研究,多肽合成支持,接枝高分子化合物,新材料和聚乙二醇改性功能涂层等活性化合物方面。
DMPE-PEG-Mal, DMPE-PEG-Maleimide - Biopharma PEG
DMPE PEG is a phospholipid PEG conjugate which has both hydrophilicity and hydrophobility. PEGylated phospholipids are excellent liposome formation materials that can be used for drug delivery, gene transfection and vaccine delivery as well.
DMPE-PEG2000 (14:0 PEG2000 PE) | PEG-Phospholipid Conjugate ...
DMPE-PEG2000 (14:0 PEG2000 PE) is a PEG-phospholipid conjugate to prepare nanostructured lipid carrier [1]. Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere. Recommended: Prepare an additional quantity of animals to account for potential losses during experiments. [1].
DMPE-mPEG CAS:1254157-61-3 二肉豆蔻酰基磷脂聚乙二醇的介绍
dmpe-peg常用于修饰纳米材料表面,以增强其水溶性和稳定性,并减小体内免疫系统的清除。通过在纳米颗粒表面引入dmpe-peg,能够提高颗粒的生物分布、延长循环时间,并促进其在靶向细胞或组织中的积累。 相关产品: dppe-peg-crgd. dmpe-peg-crgd. dope-peg-crgd. dppe-peg-rgd ...
DMPE-PEG5000 (14:0 PEG5000 PE) | 脂质体递送 | MCE
DMPE-PEG5000 is a PEG lipid functional end group used in the synthesis of liposomes (LPs) for the design of conjugated polymer nanoparticles. Through biotin modification and carboxyl terminus, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) further coupling with other biomolecules can be achieved. Functionalized nanoparticles can be used for targeted labeling of ...
DMPE-PEG-NH2结合了磷脂的生物相容性、聚乙二醇的稳定性和 …
2025年2月28日 · DMPE:即二甲基磷脂酰乙醇胺(Dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine)的缩写,是一种磷脂分子。 它提供了良好的疏水性和细胞膜亲和性,是构成细胞膜的重要成分之一。
DMPE-PEG-Mal 二肉豆蔻酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-马来酰亚胺
2024年1月2日 · 例如,我们可以通过将dmpe-peg-mal与含有巯基的抗体或蛋白质结合,制备出具有特定功能的生物分子复合物。 这种复合物可以用于靶向治疗、荧光标记或放射性标记等应用。
1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine (DMPE) conjugated Polyethylene Glycol, DMPE PEG is a phospholipid PEG conjugate which has both hydrophilicity and hydrophobility. Pegylated phospholipids are excellent liposome formation materials that can be used for drug delivery, gene transfection and vaccine delivery as well.