nand2tetris/02/DMux16.hdl at master - GitHub
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Duke University
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. * 16 bit multiplexor. If sel==1 then out=b else out=a. */ IN a[16], b[16], sel; OUT out[16]; PARTS: Mux(a=a[1],b=b[1],sel=sel,out=out[1]); Mux(a=a[2],b=b[2],sel=sel,out=out[2]); Mux(a=a[3],b=b[3],sel=sel,out=out[3]); Mux(a=a[4],b=b[4],sel=sel,out=out[4]); Mux(a=a[5],b=b[5],sel=sel,out=out[5]);
NandBased_Logic_Gates/DMux16.hdl at master - GitHub
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GitHub - jherskow/nand2tetris: Problem sets completed from …
01 - Construction of more complex 16 bit chips, such as DMUX16, in HDL. 02 - HDL construction of bit shift, incrementer, half and full adder, and finally the arithmetic logic unit (ALU). 03 - Construction of timed chips, from a single bit register to a 16K RAM, in HDL.
Other - DMux16
2011年1月30日 · DMux16. Does anyone else feel the absence of this chip like a missing tooth? There have been countless times when I've wanted to plunk a DMux in, only to remember that I'm dealing with 16bit inputs....
多路分配器(解复用器)Demultiplexer 的类型分析 - CSDN博客
2021年8月16日 · 16条输出信号线,则需要4条控制信号线;输出端连接了16个与门,每个与门四端输入。 最直观就是使用在通信系统中作为 并行 控制线连接不同设备。 解复用器用于重建并行数据和ALU电路。 解复用器接收多路复用器的输出信号,并在接收端转换回数据的原始形式。 多路复用器和解复用器共同执行通信过程。 解复用器有助于将ALU的输出存储在ALU电路中的多个寄存器和存储单元中。 ALU的数据输出作为数据输入馈送到解复用器。 解复用器的每个输出都连 …
Project 2 - DMux16 needed?
Re: DMux16 needed? linuxford wrote In designing the ALU, it would seem that some sort of Demuxing would need to be done to steer the outputs to the appropriate paths depending on the control bit flags.
Mux16 Chip | nand2tetris - GitBook
Abstraction and Implementation of 16-bit Multiplexor Chip in Hardware Design Language and Java™. An 16-bit multiplexor is almost similar to the Multiplexor Chip described previously, …
Project 3 - Do I need an 8way 16 Dmux? for the RAM8? - Nabble
When building the RAM8 my first thought was it would be great to use a DMux to put the incoming data into the right register. But then I noticed we had not constructed an 8 way 16 bit Dmux, and it's also not one of the built in functions. Is there another …
Mux16 · nand2tetris
Mux16 // This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/01 ...