r/DnD on Reddit: DM's, what were some of the best props you've …
I write the letters with a fountain pen too. My players love it. The fake gems are from Wal-Mart and are fake fishbowl gems, they are about $2. I think props are great for immersion, the players can take them home and keep them, if the pcs forget their gems I take that as not having them in game as well. ;) muahahahaha.
Dungeons and Dragons Props - Reddit
what if I stuck rubbing alcohol in a DIY snow globe kit mixed with food coloring to make a crystal ball prop, additionally you could put a contrasting color of mica powder so that when you shake it it changes color like some of those DIY potions you see on youtube, maybe glow powder too, and if you stuck a underwater color changing light with …
Homemade terrain and props : r/DnD - Reddit
2023年3月18日 · Hello! So I’m in the process of making some home made cardboard terrain and props for an upcoming oneshot I’m running. Does anyone have any tips regarding making stuff out of cardboard? I don’t really aim for it to be anything of top tier quality, just something to make it more fun for my players :)
r/DnD on Reddit: What are some neat and immersive props that …
2014年7月31日 · The scenario was kind of terrible (my own home-brew) but the props were awesome. The scenario was a one-shot with the players using characters that were part of the setting's Men in Black equivalent, the Agency.
[OC][Art] My collection of printables props for DnD - Reddit
2020年12月20日 · This pack is composed of more than 150++ props for your tabletop sessions. They are meant to be printed at home ideally on a resin printer, and pre supported versions are coming! There is a merchant tier, and this licence is for lifetime! Come and join the boat! :D
What are some cool props I can give my players? : r/DnD - Reddit
2023年1月15日 · I love giving my player props, it's super fun and I feel it helps immersion. I already have a few such as physical letters from NPCs, physical scrolls, etc, as well as dungeon tiles, minis, etc if those count. I recently got my hands on an Ender 3 3D Printer, so anything I can 3d print would work very well. Thank you in advance!!
Guides for making props and handouts : r/DnD - Reddit
2014年6月5日 · Guides for making props and handouts Does anyone know any good sites/guides/whatever for making props and handouts (ie old papers, letters, maps, wanted posters, etc etc ) for your roleplaying game? Thanks for your time.
DIY projects for Tabletop RPGs - Reddit
r/DnDIY: Share your D&D (and other games, too!) DIY projects here!
What CHEAP metal coin props do you recommend? : r/DnD - Reddit
2021年11月26日 · I'm a fool for props and always wanted to get a bunch of metal coins to use in game. I don't care the coins are realistic or even minted, what I want is for them to be metal (or at least heavy like metal) and that I could paint or already come in different colors for copper, silver and gold denominations.
Where do i get objects/props .pngs?? : r/battlemaps
2020年1月17日 · Hi everyone, the quality of the battlemaps here is awesome! But I'm finding that they just don't quite fit my story...