Dornier Do 217 - Wikipedia
In 1943, the Do 217 was the first aircraft to deploy precision-guided munitions in combat, when Fritz X radio-guided bombs sank the Italian battleship Roma in the Mediterranean. After the …
Do 217轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
道尼尔 Do 217 是 第二次世界大战 中 德国 使用的一种双 引擎 重型轰炸机。 该机由 道尼尔公司 开发,主要用于替代性能已逐渐落后的 Do 17 型轰炸机。 早在二战爆发前,道尼尔就已经认识 …
Do 217 M-1:亡命速递 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年12月3日 · Do 217 M-1 是道尼尔前线轰炸机系列的最好代表,并且也是第二次世界大战欧洲西线战场上最显眼的象征之一。 Do 217 M-1 非常逢时地采用了戴姆勒-奔驰生产的更新、更澎 …
Dornier Do 217 M-1 - Bombers - A Warbirds Resource Group Site
Dornier Do 217 M-1 The M-1 night bomber version, equivalent to Do 217 K-1 but with DB603A engines. Carried similar armament and bomb load to K-1. Daimler-Benz DB 601s were also …
Variant: Do 217M-1 - Warbirds Resource Group
The M-1 night bomber version, equivalent to Do 217 K-1 but with DB603A engines. Carried similar armament and bomb load to K-1. Daimler-Benz DB 601s were also used on some variants to …
Warplanes of Germany: Luftwaffe Dornier Do 217
The Do 217M was developed from the Do 217K-1 bomber which introduced by Dornier in the autumn of 1942. The Do 217K-1 had a new glazed nose incorporating an unstepped revised …
Dornier Do 217 - Bombers - A Warbirds Resource Group Site
Height: 5m (16 ft. 5 in.) All versions same within 2 inches. *Sighted and fired by pilot. The Luftwaffe Resource Center's goal is to provide technical and historical information so that …
Dornier Do-217K-2 - wardrawings.be
Combat Weight: 16570 kg. Max. Speed: 557 km/h | Ceiling: 7358 m | Range: 2100 km.
Do 217 - Nevington War Museum
Do 217 E-1: Production bomber with five 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 15 machine guns and one 15 mm MG 151 cannon for defence. Do 217 E-2: Bomber with dive bombing capabilities, with three …
Do 217 M-1 | War Thunder Wiki
Setup 4 2 × 500 kg SC500K bomb 2 × 250 kg SC250JA bomb