Dornier Do 217 - Wikipedia
In 1943, the Do 217 was the first aircraft to deploy precision-guided munitions in combat, when Fritz X radio-guided bombs sank the Italian battleship Roma in the Mediterranean. After the end of the war, at least one Dornier Do 217 continued in military operational service with the Swiss Air Force until 1946. The Dornier Do 17.
Do217轰炸机 - 百度百科
Do 217是“二战”中德国使用的双发重型轰炸机,1940年开始服役。 得益于强劲的发动机,Do 217拥有比其他德国双发轰炸机都大的载弹量。 Do 217可以携带的炸弹比Ju 88的早期型号都多,而Do 217的速度也很快,在最大平飞速度这一项上甚至超过了Ju 88。
Do-217N Night Fighter Dornier - Luftwaffe - AirPages
Do 217N-2 Having replaced Do217N-1 in production at the end of spring 1943, Do 217N-2 was distinguished by all these features, which were gradually introduced on Do 217N-1 / U1. Production was finally discontinued at the end of 1943.
Do217重型截击机..我最近肝了30几把Do217N-1和Do217N-2,总结出了一些经验:弹种选择:能选曳光尽量选曳光1. 主要是8挺机枪泼水那玩意震撼啊。 4挺20mm加上4挺7.92,那玩意一开火简直局部暴雨。 2.
Do 217 N-2 | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.39, the Dornier Do 217 N-2 is a very unique aircraft. It is one of the few aircraft in-game that features fixed, upward-facing cannons. The 217 N-2 also comes equipped with the FuG-220 search radar, which can detect targets up to 8 km (4.97 mi) away.
Dornier Do 217 Twin-Engine Multi-role Medium Bomber Aircraft
2020年3月14日 · The Dornier Do 217 was a multi-role aircraft design for the German Luftwaffe during World War 2 (1939-1945). The type fulfilled various roles in the air service including conventional bomber, dive bomber, fast reconnaissance platform, and night fighter.
Dornier Do 217 - Warbirds Resource Group
The Do 217 N-2 was a new build equivalent of Do 217 N-1/U1; some were fitted with two or four cannon in Schräge Musik installation. About 95 were built until it was retired from front line use in mid 1944.
Dornier Do 217 | Aircraft | Weapons & Technology - German War …
Detailed specification and history of the Dornier Do 217, a heavy bomber used by the Luftwaffe in World War II.
Dornier Do 217N-2 - The International Military Aircraft Database
Dornier Do 217N-2. First flight: July 31, 1942 Power: Two Daimler Benz 1750hp DB 603A 12-cylinder liquid-cooled engines Armament: Four 7.9mm machine-guns in nose, four 20mm cannon in lower nose, four 20mm cannon firing obliquely upwards from centre fuselage Performance: Max. speed 425kph Ceiling - 8418m Range - 1755km
Dornier Do 217 N-2/R22 (mit Schräge Musik) | Un Do 217 de la
2011年12月7日 · Konzac's aircraft was a Do-217N2/R22 with four MG 151 cannon and four 7.9 mm MG 17 machine guns mounted in the nose, plus an oblique armament of four 20 mm MG 151 cannon installed in the fuselage. The four barrels of the latter protruded from the upper f'uselage and may just be seen above the wing root in the photograph.
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