Dornier Do 335 - Wikipedia
The Dornier Do 335 Pfeil (Arrow) is a heavy fighter built by Dornier for Germany during World War II. The Pfeil ' s performance was predicted to be better than other twin-engine designs due to its unusual push-pull configuration and the lower aerodynamic drag of …
Do335箭式战斗机 - 百度百科
道尼尔 Do 335 Pfeil(箭式)是二战期间由道尼尔开发出来的一款重型战斗机。 双人座的教练机被称为Ameisenbär(食蚁兽)。 由于两具发动机独特的纵列推拉式布局使得阻力大减,使得Do 335的性能优于其它款的重型战机。
Do 335 B-2 - War Thunder
The Dornier Do 335 B-2 Pfeil (lit. "Arrow") was a dedicated "bomber destroyer" variant of the Do 335 fast bomber/attacker aircraft. In a further step to converting the Pfeil into an interceptor in accordance with the Emergency Fighter…
Dornier Do 335 Pfeil (Arrow) - Military Factory
2021年5月12日 · The Do 335 was designed (and patented) by one Doctor Claudius Dornier as early as 1937. A low-wing monoplane planform was chosen that featured straight wing mainplane appendages. The inline twin-engine arrangement was intended to do away with thrust design flaws encountered by single engine fighters in the same class.
is the Do 335 B-2 worth it? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年3月12日 · Hey, so I was recently planning to buy the German premium Do 335 B-2 for my 6.0 grinding setup and I don't know if it is worth it. It's parameters look really good but I would like your opinion to help me decide.
二战德国空军旧照(7)“末日绝唱” 道尼尔Do335"箭" 式战斗机 - 哔哩 …
道尼尔DO335 Pfeil“箭” 是道尼尔公司在二战期间为德国制造的重型战斗机。 由于其独特的推拉配置以及直列双发动机有效减少了飞行阻力,使得Do335的速度难以被单引擎战斗机追上。 它是纳粹德国在第二次世界大战中最快的螺旋桨飞机。 德国空军迫切希望将该设计投入实际使用,但战争的进程和资源紧缺导致其研制进程缓慢,后续战术需求的变更也使原定计划延后。 最终只有大概40架DO335走下生产线,其中28架被配发部队,但几乎没有参加过实战,战争结束时几架幸存的 …
【参考资料】二战末期德空的螺旋桨重战巅峰之作——Do 335战斗 …
do 335是航空史上设计最奇特的飞机之一,为 前三点式起落架 ,宽大的下单翼位于机身中段,前缘略有后掠角,在修长的机身前后各安装一个三叶螺旋桨,两台1725马力的db603a发动机分别安装在驾驶员座舱前后,各自驱动前后螺旋桨,为了容纳后部发动机和燃料箱 ...
来自335神的投稿 之前从未想过do335也能防御反杀,然而335神这次的集锦却向我展示了如何利用do335优秀的滚转和算不上最差的水平回转,来完成对盟军主力马h、奶瓶m以及喷火的防御反杀。 当然,还有他一如既往的鬼畜枪法带来的精彩对头和截射。 BGM:Mine (Illenium Remix)-ILLENIUM / Phoebe Ryan. 来自335神的投稿之前从未想过do335也能防御反杀,然而335神这次的集锦却向我展示了如何利用do335优秀的滚转和算不上最差的水平回转,来完成对盟军主力 …
Dornier Do 335 Pfeil (Arrow) - Military Equipment Guide With …
During the test run, the Do 335 recorded speeds in excess of 470 mph, with both engines running, while reaching speeds of 350 mph powered by only one engine. It climbs at about 1,750 feet per minute. The Do 335 project was led by the 1939 Goppingen Go 9 research aircraft, which was later tested and accepted as the Do P. 231 high-speed bomber.
Dornier Do 335 - Warbirds Resource Group
One 30mm Mk 103 cannon firing through the propellor hub. The Luftwaffe Resource Center is your online resource that provides technical and historical information on the German Luftwaffe (Air Force) from 1935-1945 so that people can better understand the aerial conflicts of World War II.