Your Domain Name: Do You www or Not? - SitePoint
2017年5月11日 · Most people understand that a .com, .org, or .net address is a website, even without the ‘www’ prefix. Whether to use ‘www’ or not often comes down to aesthetic …
url - What does WWW do? - Webmasters Stack Exchange
Why the www works could possibly be Wildcard DNS entry, which means *.example.com resolves to the same IP, effectively a catch all for sub domains that don't exist.
WWW vs. non-WWW: Which is Better for SEO? - Search Engine …
2021年10月4日 · While browsing the internet or optimizing websites, you may have come across sites that are not using “www” prefixes, instead opting for non-www. For example, URLs with …
Do I Need "WWW" in My URL for It to Work? | Hover Blog
2021年2月5日 · Today, it’s in your site’s best interest to ensure that your domain works with or without the WWW. You’ll need to configure it properly so it works whether a user types …
Eli5 Why do some websites ONLY work without the www. In the …
2021年11月19日 · To expand on this as well, yes it is easier to type without the www and most sites will automatically redirect to www (if configured). Generally sites use www because of …
Choosing between www and non-www URLs - URIs | MDN - MDN Web Docs
2025年2月18日 · Unlike the previous case, browser history will consider non-www and www URLs as independent entries. With these techniques, you can configure your server to respond …
Why Don't You Have to Put "WWW" Before URLs? - Mental Floss
2015年11月12日 · Entering “www” means you want to contact the specific server that will send you back the requested page in all its HTML glory. The prefix "www" was never mandatory, …
When Is "www" Needed and Why? - Ask Leo!
2021年8月16日 · Some sites need it, most sites ignore it. The "www" in website addresses is now typically optional and even redundant, but there was once a reason as to why it was required …
To www or Not to www -- That is the Question - SitePoint
2012年9月7日 · From a user’s perspective, there’s no significant difference between a WWW and Non-WWW domain. However, some users may naturally type “www” before your domain …
domains - Should I include "www" in my website's URLs? What are …
What are the pros and cons of having http://www.example.com/ vs http://example.com/? For example a problem I'm aware of is that if I use a domain without www I can't set a cookie for …