DO-331 MBD Fundamentals - 1 •Its about identifying the “safe-subset” use of MBD technology to be used in safety related applications •Same role as the suite of DO-178C documents •It applies “error class analysis” to determine what needs to be considered for MBD projects to confirm best known practices and proof of safety
DO-331, DO-332 and DO-333 are supplements that address certain software development techniques. Supplements add, delete, or modify objectives, activities, and life cycle data in DO-178C. You should apply the guidance within a particular supplement when you use the addressed technique. Your Plan for Software Aspects of Certification (PSAC) should
DO-331: Model-Based Development and Verification Supplement to DO …
DO-331 outlines a systematic model-based development process that aligns with the key principles of DO-178C and DO-278A. It provides step-by-step guidance on activities such as requirements modeling, architecture modeling, model implementation, and model verification.
RTCA DO-331/EUROCAE ED-218 - Rapita Systems
RTCA DO-331 (Model-Based Development and Verification Supplement to DO-178C and DO-278A) provides additional objectives that apply when using model-based design in DO-178C projects, and clarification of how existing DO-178C objectives and activities apply to projects using model-based design.
DO-331 Explained - ConsuNova, Inc.
DO-331 is an essential guideline for the use of models in the development and verification of software for airborne systems and equipment. It provides additional objectives, activities, and explanatory material on how to apply modeling techniques effectively in the context of DO-178C’s software lifecycle processes. Why was DO-331 Developed?
supplements ED-218/DO-331, ED-217/DO-332, and ED-216/DO-333 when incorporating the addressed software development techniques. If you intend to use multiple software development techniques together, more than one supplement applies. You cannot use supplements as stand-alone documents.
RTCA DO-331 - Model-Based Development and Verification Supplement to DO ...
2011年12月13日 · This supplement contains modifications and additions to DO-178C and DO-278A objectives, activities, explanatory text and software life cycle data that should be addressed when model-based development and verification are used as part of the software life cycle.
Product Details - Community Hub - Radio Technical Commission …
Document Title DO-331 - Model Based Development and Verification Supplement to DO-178C and DO-278A
DO-331 Introduction – Model Based Development - AFuzion
DO-331, Model-Based Development and Verification Supplement to DO-178C and DO-278A, is a 125-page guideline governing MBD usage in airborne and ground-based aviation software.
Model-Based Design for DO-178C/DO-331 Compliance
Objective: Trace a model to requirements according to DO-178/DO-331 compliance. Requirements overview in the DO-178C process; Using Requirements Toolbox for requirement traceability; Generating a System Design Description (SDD) Understanding compatibility with external requirement tools; Modeling Standards for DO-178C/DO-331