Fairchild Dornier 328JET - Wikipedia
The Fairchild-Dornier 328JET is a commuter airliner, based upon the turboprop -powered Dornier 328, developed by the German aircraft manufacturer Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH. It would be the last Dornier-designed aircraft to reach production before …
Dornier 328 - Wikipedia
The Dornier 328 turboprop was operated in scheduled passenger service by several U.S. regional airlines including: Atlantic Coast Jet, Air Wisconsin, Horizon Air, Lone Star Airlines, PSA Airlines, US Airways Express, and Mountain Air Express.
D328 Jet - Deutsche Aircraft
Unlike most regional aircraft, the Dornier 328 Jet allows easy operation even from the shortest runways. It can handle a variety of surfaces and is equally unafraid of hot and high conditions. The aircraft is capable of reaching up to 35,000ft service ceilings allowing it to use less crowded upper airways which results in reduced fuel ...
Dornier 328 – Wikipedia
Die Dornier 328 ist ein je nach Version mit Jet - oder Turboprop -Antrieb ausgestattetes Passagierflugzeug für Kurzstrecken, ausgestattet mit Druckkabine. Es ist das letzte geflogene Flugzeugmuster, das noch von den ursprünglichen Dornier-Werken geplant und entworfen wurde.
Fairchild Dornier DO-328-120 Specs and Description - Jet Av
The DO-328-120 was designed as a mid-size, turboprop aircraft whose interior can be configured to meet corporate shuttle requirements. Its airframe is constructed of three-quarters aluminum for the primary structures and doors.
Dornier / Fairchild-Dornier Do 328JET / 328-300 - Specifications ...
The Dornier 328JET / Do 328-300 is a twin-engined regional jet airliner with a capacity of maximum 33 passengers produced by the German manufacturer Fairchild-Dornier. The 328JET is a development of the turboprop powered Dornier 328-100 .
Fairchild Dornier 328JET - Aero Corner
British Airways- Dornier 328-300 JET 'OY-NCM' credit: Riik@mctr. Fairchild Dornier 328-300 328JET 'N328DA' credit: Tomás Del Coro. Fairchild Dornier 328-300 328JET 'N328DA' credit: Tomás Del Coro. FlyMex Fairchild Dornier 328-310 328JET 'XA-ALA' credit: Tomás Del Coro.
Fairchild Dornier's 328JET - Business Jet Traveler
Yet, despite its somewhat jaded lineage, the 328JET (Model 328-300/310) poses a unique value: a modern, fuel-efficient aircraft with a large Gulfstream IV-sized cabin for a price equal to or in some cases less than what you'd pay for a new turboprop. You can find fully refurbished, ready-to-fly 328s for less than $6 million.
海航仙童多尼尔328 JET飞机最后的荣耀,飞友们可以缅怀了
2017年12月8日 · “小刀”的全名是Dornier 328 JET飞机,于1991年首次飞行,是德国仙童.多尼尔公司(Fairchild Dornier)的旗舰机型。因与波音、空客等国内客机相比其机身更加短小,形如刀状,故被海航人亲切的称呼为“小刀”。
2020年7月7日 · 相比道尼尔328,道尼尔328JET的最大空速从每小时620千米增加到每小时741千米,实用升限从9455米提升至10670米,最大燃油航程则从1860千米“缩水”为1600千米。 道 …