DODAF - Viewpoints CV2: Capability Taxonomy
The CV-2 captures capability taxonomies. The model presents a hierarchy of capabilities. These capabilities may be presented in context of a timeline - i.e., it can show the required...
DOD Viewpoints CV1: Vision
The CV-1 addresses the enterprise concerns associated with the overall vision for transformational endeavors and thus defines the strategic context for a group of capabilities.
DODAF Viewpoints and Models - Capability Viewpoint
The CV DoDAF-described Models are used to provide the strategic perspective and context for other architectural information. The concept of capability, as defined by its...
GitHub - lvzt/DoDAFCNTranslation: DoDAF 2.0 中文翻译
DoDAF V2.0与早期版本的命令、控制、通信、计算机和情报监视侦察架构框架(C4ISR AF)或DoDAF相比发生了显着变化,架构师现在可以自由地创建企业架构来满足其顾客的需求。
DoDAF的8个视角 - 知乎专栏
2023年1月28日 · 关注DoDAF应用的每个细节点! AV:全景视角;DIV:数据与信息视角;StdV:标准视角;CV: 能力视角;OV: 业务视角,OPS领域时,通常翻译为“作战视角”;SvcV:服务视角;SV:系统视角;PV: 项目视角, 注意:DoD和PMI的统一翻译,P代 …
DoDAF Software Guide - CV-2 - Capability Taxonomy
2019年12月24日 · Visual Paradigm provides an easy-to-use, model-driven DoDAF tool that supports the development of DoDAF 2.02 views and models. You can create integrated DoDAF products and generate architectural documents that facilitate organizations to efficiently coordinate enterprise architecture initiatives.
CV6: Capability to Operational Activities Mapping
The CV-6 DoDAF-described Model provides a bridge between capability analyzed using CVs and operational activities analyzed using OVs. Specifically, it identifies how operational activities...
CV-2 能力分类 - 知乎专栏
2021年3月12日 · CV-2: Capability Taxonomy,一个结构化的能力清单,联合作战能力、机关管理能力、规划计划能力等都通过它进行定义。 CV-2定义的能力通常继承自联合能力域 (JCA--Joint Capability Area)。
CV-2 Capability Taxonomy - AcqNotes
Guide: DoDAF Architecture Framework Version 2.02 – Page 118. The intended usage of the CV-2 includes: Identification of capability requirements. Capability planning (capability taxonomy). Codifying required capability elements. Capability audit. Capability gap analysis. Source for the derivation of cohesive sets of user requirements.